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Germany’s Promising Plan to Bring Conspiracy Theorists Back From the Brink
Most people reaching out to the new service are friends and family who are on the cusp of cutting all ties.


phxbillcee 10 Oct 26
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Progressive, we need this here

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 26, 2021

Sadly, not coming soon to the US. We still have churches and organizations that try to change people's sexuality.
I have read and seen videos on how this is the way to go, here, but no real programs.


Encouraging effort.

Empathy is also important with an eye to the future: Conspiracy theories tend to lose their appeal as the crisis that created them ends. If believers still have contact with loved ones who are nonbelievers, that is often the easiest way out. If all contacts are broken off and conspiracy theorists are isolated, they’ll be more likely to radicalize further. Hence the centers’ emphasis on tolerance, acceptance, and de-escalation—Meilicke says their work is a way to “make people an offer to remain part of this society.”

nicestuff Level 7 Oct 26, 2021

Sounds like ‘Murcia .

GEGR Level 7 Oct 26, 2021
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