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Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian - Reading Ted Cruz

phxbillcee 10 Jan 24
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Betty happens to be a real Christian of faith, just not in Christianity!!!


My favorite Christian of all time! And to think calling out Ted Cruz on FB for abandoning Texas during storm Uri got me unfriended by someone who voted for Trump, but never unfriended me for dissing Trump his whole term. How odd!

You just never know what is going to set them off. I have lost several friendships/acquaintances due to that orange monster. It’s very sad but then you find out how ridiculous some people are.


As I recently said, I can prove his stupidity without being political; the moron will argue that Godfather III is the best of the trilogy, case closed on stupidity.


Blame Canada! Blame Canada!

No, can’t blame Canada because they hate him too. His parents are to blame for raising a Narcissistic, selfish, self-centered, asshole. 😉


He's a piece of shit!

Yes he is.

I think you are insulting shit…

@Canndue True!

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