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Trump Now Hawking $75 Autographed Pics of Him Allegedly Scoring a Hole-in-One

Former President Donald Trump has apparently found yet another way to fleece his flock out of their money - he’s selling autographed photos of himself “allegedly” making a hole-in-one while playing golf last month. His pitch reads “Friend, many people are asking, and yes, it's true. While playing golf with some of the greatest golfers in our country, I made a hole-in-one. Friend, I just released one of my favorite photos of me golfing and I want YOU to have it. I even SIGNED it for you. Contribute $75 or more TODAY to claim your Trump Golf Photo, signed by your favorite President.”

Of course, one might ask, why would a “billionaire" be hawking photos of himself? Not to mention, who would actually pay $75 for a pic of a morbidly obese man in disheveled clothes, standing in the weeds, lying about making a “hole-in-one?” Well, the answer is - any bonafide, Trump-loving MAGA sycophant would be darn proud to have that pic adorning the walls of their double-wide. Why, some have even hung them up on their outhouse walls. That said, there was some confusion as to whether Trump made a “hole-in-one” golfing, or simply made an “A-Hole” of himself.

Anyway, not to diminish Donald Trump’s YUGE accomplishment, but let’s not forget that back in the day, former North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il (who was only 5’3&rdquo😉 shot a 38 under par round, complete with 11 holes-in-one, while playing the first round of golf in his entire life, on a 7,700-yard course in Pyongyang. Now, not to be critical, but if you ask me, that’s the way a REAL dictator scores a round of golf! After all, the dictator code reads “if you’re gonna lie about something, you either go big - or you go home!”

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johnnyrobish 8 Apr 14
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Bullshit artist and Grifter

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 14, 2022

I would not walk across the street to see that man.

DenoPenno Level 9 Apr 14, 2022

A hole in one on a par 2 hole is not much of an accomplisment. Movement handicapped me did it once.

Theresa_N Level 8 Apr 14, 2022

Yes, but were you playing against some of the "greatest golfers" in the country (lol)?

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