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J.D. Vance Claims Biden Deliberately Targeting MAGA Voters With Fentanyl

In a recent interview with far-right news site “Gateway Pundit” founder Jim Hoft, Ohio Republican senatorial candidate J.D. Vance alleged that the fentanyl deaths among MAGA voters looks “intentional," and that President Joe Biden is responsible for those deaths. Vance claims that "If you wanted to kill a bunch of MAGA voters in the middle of the heartland, how better than to target them and their kids with this deadly fentanyl?”

OK, so now let me get this straight. Fentanyl is being smuggled into our country through our southern border, then it’s transported up to the midwest with specific instructions that it can “only be sold to people who support Donald Trump?” Gee, who knew the people who push and sell deadly drugs, were concerned with their victim’s political affiliations?

Anyway, J.D’s analysis is really quite interesting, because I hear there was this book detailing how opioid addiction has been destroying families throughout the midwest for literally decades now. It was written by a guy named J.D. Vance, who actually saw the hell that drug addiction brought upon his very own family. Perhaps he ought to consider reading it?

See, the thing is, if you really wanna kill MAGA people en masse, there’s a much easier way to do it. Simply pretend like the COVID-19 pandemic is just a hoax, then put the brakes on testing for it, followed by convincing MAGAs that masks don’t work and the vaccine designed to prevent the disease - are all part of a plot to kill them. Guaranteed - at least 1,000,000 people dead. Problem solved!

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johnnyrobish 8 May 2
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These repubs are very sick people! There is no low or lie that they will not go to in order to gain power.


Unhinged idiocy. No wonder he's a Republican. He's a liar.

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