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Newsmax Host Says Instead of Gun Laws - Have Kids Wear Armored Vests

While ridiculing actor Matthew McConaughey for his impassioned White House speech about the mass school shooting that occurred in his hometown of Uvalde, Texas, Newsmax host Grant Stinchfield blasted all attempts at gun control measures, and instead urged parents to buy ballistic shields for their kids, which he claims will easily fit inside their children's backpacks.

Oh, I get it, “ballistic shields” are fine, but COVID face masks will psychologically traumatize them for life. Gee, that reminds me, I just saw a pic of a bunch of “open carry” freaks showing off at some Texas beach this week. So, does that mean parents should pick up some “ballistic swim armor” too? Wait, that sounds like it could turn into a “Catch 22.” See, if the kids don’t wear the “swim armor,” they might get shot - but if they do wear it, they’ll probably drown. Decisions, decisions!

Gee, now that makes you wonder just when are we gonna finally "well regulate" that darn militia, anyway? I mean, it’s been 233 years now. Too soon? Of course, as far as Republicans are concerned, the entire constitution could be reduced to just one simple sentence, “Everyone gets a gun!” Then, we just “dress up the kiddies in an armored vest, and let thoughts and prayers - take care of the rest.” See, that wasn’t so difficult, was it?

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johnnyrobish 8 June 8
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bobwjr Level 10 June 8, 2022

😲 what next. That's a war zone 😳


Grant Stinchfield, clearly, a graduate of the school for the specially talented and gifted. I wonder does he believe that children have bullet proof heads and femoral arteries.

ASTRALMAX Level 8 June 8, 2022

The gundamentalists are a sick group of people. They don’t care about these children being slaughtered. I wonder if their minds could be changed if it was THEIR children?

No wait, I just remembered that Steve Scalise was almost killed in that baseball game and look where his loyalty lies!!!!

Even having his man parts blown off didnt change his mind. That's a serious red flag


There you go.
Body armor for all children.
Problem solved!

It's going to really hurt the times for the swim team though.

BD66 Level 8 June 8, 2022

My (very Christian) grandmother would have said, "JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH." fricking insanity.

LucyLoohoo Level 9 June 8, 2022
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