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Let's talk about Jefferson, Monticello, and Fox.... - Beau of the Fifth Column

phxbillcee 10 July 12
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Not only should people learn about Jefferson and his slaves, show them his Real views on religion, especially christianity. His "Unitarian" Bible, as it is called, can be seen at Monticello. He totally removed all aspects of Jesus being divine. A Christian nation my ass - both Adam's were Unitarian as well.

The Jefferson Bible was distributed to congressional members and is now free on line.
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Also his many letters to Adams & his nephew (if I remember correctly) stressing the need for skepticism & free-thought. No, Jefferson wasn't by any means perfect, but still a giant in our history & an amazing man.


If you read the letters of Jefferson, he was torn between freeing his slaves and making a profit. He chose to breed slaves selling them like cattle, freeing only 10 of the more than 600 he had owned.

glennlab Level 10 July 12, 2022

Another example of no one's all good or all bad.

He freed his own children that he sired with Sally Hemmings. Thus, four of the ten were his heirs, so to speak.

@Lorajay, @Beowulfsfriend , @glennlab - & too many want to bury this actual history & learning moment, just as they do with that red-herring CRT, as if the truth was a bad thing. It surely says something about those who would revise & dissemble, & not something good...

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