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No one is born a racist.

Unity 8 Feb 16
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Racism is unfortunately a natural existence of questioning our differences in regards to appearances, languages, cultures, and religions, or lack of. Even before the attributes of religion and coherent languages were developed and introduced to humanity, there was always a sense of fear and questioning of those indifferences. All that which came afterwards simply became tools towards exacerbating the already existing nature. The beginning human species did a far better job of coexisting with each other despite this nature however. But as time went on and power structures backed with organized religions developed, it was found differences could be used to divide and control us. It plays as a primary aspect of what humanity has been witnessing for centuries. It is currently at the forefront of the collapsing world citizenship today within the westernized nations. The US especially the worst case scenario. While those challenging the west have a more civilized grip where those attributes live in a better sense of harmony. Those who have manged to avoid the western dominant control and or changing from it.

For an example. While Russia is being falsely accused of being an authoritarian governing rule and fascistic, with in her and her republics is probably one of the largest multi-cultured and multi-religious regions on the planet. China and India close to the same makeup. Russia and China sharing borders both share multiple ethnic groups and religions. I'd have to spend a significant amount of time to properly list them all for the fact that there's so many that all 3 share with a certain few each may only have than the other.

But staying with Russia as an example. Last week I posted about the relationship with Russia and Chechnya, a republic of Russia. The perfect example of how religion and outside forces create wars and turmoil for other nations. These two having went through two brutal wars with Chechnya being manipulated by an radical Islamic entity working for western fascistic interest. Taking advantage of a nation that is currently based on various Islamic religions, and others, also with a wide ethnic group within, while the population is essentially Sunni Islam which dominates at about 95%. The most civilized version of Sharia law, which is about the only way I can describe it with the false perception management that has been placed on it, and brutal misuse of it by other groups. An example of how all religions are misused quite frankly. In which race always plays a roll in.

When the Chechen government realized they were being used towards agendas from outside against their own desires, they formed a great new relationship with Russia despite two brutal wars they had been engaged with. The Russian's and Chechen's now live in harmony despite all the differences. The Chechen's have been an essential part of the special operations in the Donbass regions for the very point made above. They don't want the fascist of Ukraine in or any closer to their homeland for their children to fight later! To them they are fighting a worldly evil.

The point I'm trying to make here is that racism is a natural instinct that is always going to be present at some level. Individually, it's up to us to control how we allow the outside influencer's too indoctrinate us to what they want it to be. Whether we can civilly discuss our differences, or hate on them. Ask me if I'm a racist, and I'll tell you yes. I'm an equal opportunity racist. Because I can find all the useless rhetoric and unnecessary stereo typing spewed from the profoundly manipulated asshats in every ethnic group on the planet. Which makes anyone who uses such controlled managed perceptions a hypocrite. And like so many on this planet today, I have enough different DNA makers in me I'm allowed and able to call out a lot of people on this issue.

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