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A good one from a friend in Philly:

I didn't know I was woke. I thought I was compassionate with an understanding of and disdain for 'Merkas history of racism, bigotry and intolerance.

Sounds good to me...

Mitch07102 8 Apr 15
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A lot of people were lumped into the new movement, when it came about, that never really put the puzzle together. Many still haven't. Actually being awake entails more than just the attributes in the statement though. There's a vast number of people who will claim they are awake but yet mindlessly remain complacent to the conditions that contradict their speak. In regards to this community even, I find it bewildering how so many have found the means or ability to refute the notion of god and or religion, but within using the same intellect and reasoning have profoundly failed to apply that to the support of either establishment party. When you have approximately half the nation claiming to be independent voters, many unaffiliated with either party, yet unable to unify behind better choices to defeat the establishment parties, it's a clear signal other issues have a grasp on many of these peoples intellectual thought process. The very nature we would apply to those who follow a god or any organized religion, so to say. And their issue is the delivery of mis/disinformation from the MSCMs and MSMs their information filter down to. These corporate news sources are the virtual priest that betray them and they are unable to recognize this.



That Merkan reference is a bit close to the pubis.

Polemicist Level 7 Apr 15, 2024

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