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"No one is free until we are all free."

Palestinians are not free.


Mitch07102 8 June 20
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I'd like to know who the fuck thought this was funny? Whoever you are, you are a complete fucking asshole.

You can find out who made an emoji by hovering your mouse over the number.

@Fernapple I'll have to open this with my computer and hover because I can't do that with my phone. 😉

Just got online on the computer to see who thought this was funny. Of course it was the asshole I blocked long ago. Fuck you Tejas, you're a worthless asshole.


I guess we’ll never be free then because the Jews believe they are chosen people, that god allows them to kill non Jews and that he gave them Palestine in the fairy tale they made up. Christian nuts go along with the scam because they have their own fairy tale going. They invest millions in so called holy land trying to prove the fable happened and can’t. None of the old bones they’ve dug up have any Ashkenazi DNA.

AIPAC has another racket of lobbying for money and arms for Israel, and using the money to propagandize and lobby some more. American politicians either get on board or get targeted for removal so endless cycle.


Palestinian struggles under Israeli occupation. I think it has always been that way since Israel became a state. I also think it will continue this way as long as Hamas is anywhere in the picture. There is a way of stopping all this murder and bloodshed. It is called "stop attacking Israel." If anyone can wrap their brain around this idea it might work perfectly.

We have kids in college against all this carnage and they demonstrate in support of Palestine. The problem with their message is that under Hamas they would not be able to demonstrate. Apparently they cannot see this.

DenoPenno Level 9 June 20, 2024

Palestine has been suffering since the Nakba, well before anyone even heard of Hamas. The more insightful discussion is why does an organization like Hamas exist? It is not an accident. Why Israel in Palestine? The Palestinian people had nothing to do with the Shoah.

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