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Dipshit communist propaganda

If you ever tried to sell shit, you know how hard it is. The market simply doesn’t buy overpriced items. Its called velocity of money.

The cheaper the price, the faster shit sells.

The dumbass employee of kroger is stupid. Hes not an entrepreneur and doesn’t know what the fuck he's talking about. He collects a paycheck for trading his time.

Let the merger happen so prices can drop. Online retailers are forcing these companies to go out of business


Communistbitch 6 Aug 30
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I think you are very confused about communism and fascism eg you start with "Dipshit communist propaganda" then immediately talk about capitalist economics.

Communism is unelected centralised government who control the economy totally eg no private business/ enterprise at all.
Fascism is centalised government that acts only in the interest of business by controlling the economy to only benefit business.

They are the two extremes of the political spectrum; communism on the left and Fascism the end game of capitalism, on the right. The thing is, the result of these extremes is very similar to us peasants. We get ruled by a small, select group.

Look at these 14 indicators of fascism. For me, it describes the Western democracies who seem to be ticking far too many boxes. The West is led by the USA, they are the trend setters and we all just follow along, like a cart following a horse. As a cart, I try to nudge the horse up the arse as it is heading downhill so steeply it is losing control. So hopefully, when the cart hits the horses arse it changes direction and starts climbing again. Who's leading the horse? Not the people anymore but war hawk tuah's aka the biggest economic driver in the US. As Eisenhower put it, the military industrial congressional complex..

puff Level 8 Aug 30, 2024

It's an unelected bitch that is suing Kroger and Albertsons

Communism and fascism are exactly the same shit. Both take money via taxes and redistribute to people that didn't earn it. Hitler took money from jews and gave it to Aryan people. Capitalism is the voluntary exchange of goods and services. Both fascism amd communism are violent ideologies. Capitalism is non-violent

August 27, 2024

Over eight hundred years ago, in what is now northwestern China, the Uyghur people— long before they were carted off to internment camps by the Communist Party— ruled their own independent kingdom, known as Qocho.

Then, in the year 1209, Genghis Khan sent diplomatic emissaries to Qocho. The message was clear: the Great Khan wanted to avoid a bloody military campaign, and he proposed a peace offering instead.

Genghis Khan’s deal was simple: the Uyghur people would keep their rulers, their infrastructure, their religion, and their customs. Their soldiers would live. Their buildings would not burn. Their women would not be touched. They would even be granted a high degree of autonomy.

And in exchange, they would provide the Mongol Empire with administrative support, as the Uyghurs were famously adept in governance and literacy.

The Uyghur ruler, recognizing the military strength of the Mongols and the benefits of an alliance, voluntarily accepted these terms, avoiding destruction.

Genghis Khan is generally known to history as a butcher and conqueror. But he was also a fairly skilled diplomat; he understood that it was far better to talk and settle matters peacefully than to go to war.

Through peaceful negotiation, lives could be spared, resources conserved, and vital economic assets preserved— not just for his own empire but also for the kingdoms he sought to absorb. This meant more tax revenue for him, and prosperity for everyone.

Fast forward to the present day, and Genghis’s namesake— Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chair Lina Khan— has taken the opposite approach. She wants to go to war... which in our modern era means lawsuits. She has no interest in diplomacy, discussion, or compromise; she just wants to sue businesses and take them to court.

Bear in mind, the FTC was created in 1914, back when a handful of huge companies wielded monopolistic control over key industries in America. So the government set up the FTC to protect consumers from being squeezed by these powerful monopolies.

But a century later, Genghis Khan is using the vast powers of her office to wage war on legitimate business... and even capitalism itself.

A few months ago, for example, Genghis decided to ban “non-compete” clauses from employment contracts. This is one of the fundamental principles of capitalism: a voluntary agreement between an employer and employee to protect a company’s investment and intellectual property.

But Genghis Khan wouldn’t hear of it. So she banned non-competes, even though she had absolutely no legal authority to do so. And this is typical of her— she just invents whatever authority she wants.

Another example we talked about a few months ago— Genghis filed a lawsuit against two major grocery store chains (Albertsons and Kroger) to prevent them from merging.

Her claim is that the merger will harm labor unions, though she offers absolutely no reasonable explanation or evidence to support this assertion.

More importantly, her job is to protect CONSUMERS.... not labor unions. But here we have it again: Genghis Khan has once again invented new authority for herself to be the Protector of Unions... even though Congress never tasked her with that mission.

The whole thing is so absurd, in fact, that the FTC has no reason to suspect that the merger of these two grocery store chains will harm anyone at all. If anything, consumers should benefit.

The supermarket industry is extremely competitive, with traditional grocers now having to compete with tech companies, co-ops, farmers' markets, delivery apps, big-box warehouses like Costco, and even Walmart and Amazon.

For Albertsons and Kroger, it’s clear that a merger makes sense; it helps them optimize their cost structure, achieve greater efficiencies, and thus deliver savings in the form of lower prices to consumers.

And lowering prices isn’t some altruistic act by these companies; lower prices will make them more competitive.

But Genghis Khan has no understanding of how capitalism works. In the sentiment of her fellow Marxists, she views capitalism as a zero-sum game, best encapsulated by AOC’s false logic: “No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars.”

This way of thinking is completely false. Sure, 1,000 years ago when the real Genghis Khan was conquering the world, economics was indeed a zero-sum game. Nations got richer by plundering their neighbors, and individuals became wealthier by taking from others.

But that’s not what modern capitalism is about. It’s not a zero-sum game. Capitalism is about making the pie bigger. It’s about value creation. It’s about making everyone better off— workers, customers, investors, even the government that collects tax revenue. Everyone wins.

But FTC Chair Genghis Khan acts like it’s still the year 1209. She doesn’t understand modern economics or the value creation principles of capitalism. So her tendency is to engage in warfare— not with soldiers on the battlefield, but with lawyers in a courtroom. Albertsons and Kroger never had a chance.

For example, the FTC initially howled that the combined Albertsons and Kroger company would have too many locations. OK fine. So the companies promised to sell off a percentage of their stores, and they even found a buyer.

Then the FTC claimed there wouldn’t be enough stores, and competition would suffer.

“Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.” Again, the companies never had a chance. There’s no satisfying Genghis Khan. She doesn’t want to talk. She doesn’t want a solution. She just wants to go to war.

The hearing started yesterday, and both sides showed up to court ready to fight. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the case is quickly dismissed, or that reason prevails in court.

Either way, it’s not a great outcome. If Genghis wins, food prices are likely to rise. But even if she loses, she’ll just find some other business to attack, or some other pillar of capitalism to assault.

In Genghis’s mind, lawfare is always and everywhere the answer. And somehow we are all supposed to become more prosperous because of it.

That’s capitalism in the 21st century, folks: the federal government will sue its way into prosperity.

Unfortunately, Genghis Khan is not isolated in her way of thinking. In fact, one of her biggest cheerleaders is none other than Kamala Harris, who has applauded this lawsuit for taking on “corporate greed.”

This is the sad lie they always use try to explain inflation; rather than acknowledge that their own policies and profligate spending have led to higher prices, they blame greed. And promise to sue their way to lower prices. It’s genius.

And it’s not just Kamala either— Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, AOC, Bernie Sanders, and a whole bunch of other very vocal supporters (surprisingly from both parties) are all on board with this idiotic approach.

It represents an obvious risk to prosperity and success. And that is something that should be factored into the long term planning of anyone who wants to build anything of value in America.

To your freedom,

@Communistbitch Pure Capitalism is survival of the fittest. A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link so you judge societies on how the most vulnerable are treated. Pure capitalism relies on charity. Pure communism and all are equally vulnerable.

And that is where socialism comes in. Socialism attempts to raise the standard of the most vulnerable, giving them a leg up. It also controls peoples needs as opposed to wants. The essentials of life ie clean air, water and food. Shelter. Medical treatment. Education.
Fascism does not care about the people except for labour.

This is badly simplifying things and human societies are complex.

@puff you don't understand dude, communism doesn't give a fuck about vulnerable people, it's a big fat lie. Communism is a violent ideology. Capitalism relies on the voluntary exchange of goods are services, there is no violence. However, when the evil people get involved with their "government " they utilize the weapons to make violence systemic, like when slavery was legal. That's what you call fascism, but it's the same shit with communism. We are fucked because nature is violent and it's a very simple concept I'm not sure why you're not grasping it. The fuckers make up words to try and downplay their side using violence like fascism. It's like ai giving me a million reasons moa zedong is good but didn't give one reason Why hitler is good. Fascism and communism are twins that use violence. They are both bullies with a different name. Having laws against violence is the best way to protect the vulnerable, but the police are violent too so that shit doesn't even work. Nature doesn't give a fuck about morality

@Communistbitch Uygur's are doing fine. Suggest you watch some podcasts from mainly Europeans travelling around China today. There are plenty kicking about. China seems to be advancing. Our societies seem to be in decline. The Western countries have prospered on the back of exploiting other nations riches. BRICS aims to put a stop to that as the world is over colonialism which is why the Palestinian cause has so much support around the world, excepting those that defend a "global" world and wish to continue exploiting others riches. NATO expansion is also colonial in nature and has long ago ceased to be a defense pact for European security eg if really concerned about European security, they would have never destroyed the stable government in Libya, which enabled mass unmanaged migration to Europe from Africa.
Ed re podcasts from China, they have them from the Uygur's as well. China had a problem with radicals and they sorted it in their way. Our "freedom loving" culture may not approve of how they sorted it, but they sorted it. Their country so none of our business. At least they didn't go the Israeli way of dealing with their people problem so to be perfectly blunt, after Gaza we in the West can't lecture any on human rights. Enabling genocide is beyond the pale.

@puff im not sure about that. You see, the muslims and the atheists have different beliefs and ideologies and there is a culture clash. China is an atheist country and the Muslims reside in uyghur China. So the Chinese can rape the muslims since the muslims believe being gay is a sin and force them to eat bacon to try and re-educate them in communist ideology. Of course they say they are all about women's rights and shit since that is communist ideology. Same shit in Palestine where the atheists have a country called israel, it's not a jewish country. David ben gurion founded the nation and he was an atheist, he didn't believe In God, it's a secular nation similar to China, so they want to kill the dumbass muslims that believe In God, since God doesn't exist. These fuckers hijack the Jewish religion and change it to mean communism. However, not all Jewish people are atheist amd support communism, and I would say you can't be a communist jew because communists don't believe in God. So these atheists formed kibbutz which were communist communities. They were not allowed the be married, the women and men had to ask the government for a room to fuck, the children are put in a nursing room so the mom can work like a man and doesn't have to breastfeed. They are only allowed to see their children 4 hours a day. So hamas attacked a communist kibbutz, not a jewish community

@Communistbitch Yes the founder of Zionism was an atheist but current Israeli society are largely religious zealots. They believe they are god's chosen and the land was promised to them by god.
Yes communists tried to wipe out religion but failed. Buddhism is big in China which admittedly is more a philosophy about life than a religion ie become enlightened. The Orthodox church is very strong in Russia (and Ukraine until Zelenskyy banned it).
Us in the West really need to pull our collective heads in and sort our own shit out rather than worry about others which is patronising to the extreme and another hangover of colonialism.

@Communistbitch In short, we don't rule things anymore so we better start getting used to it. BRICS and a multipolar world is the future. The only thing that will stop that is nuclear annihilation and it scares me that the "West" seems to be of the attitude "If we are on the way out, it's going to be with a bang". It really is psychopathic eg if I can't have power, no-one can. Me me me just like a psycho.

@puff that's why he said get several passports but I'm not sure running will help since communism is global

@puff if communism is allowed to then it will eventually feed on itself globally causing mass death never seen before

@Communistbitch Stop with the communism already, it's a failed ideology. What we are facing is global fascism because communism did aim to treat all the same and lift in unison. But that failed and China, Laos and Viet Nam are hardly actually communist anymore, just led by communist governance eg plenty of capitalist enterprise happening in all those countries.
Yes similar outcomes for us peasants, but very different ideologies.

@puff government is a fucking cult

@Communistbitch More party affiliation is cult like. Governments just a bunch of narcs seeking to enrich themselves and become addicted to power.

@puff fascism and communism are the same fucking thing. Take what doesn't belong to you and give to someone else. Kamala’s father is a fucking communist and her husband is a fake jew communist.

@puff it's so fucking obvious that keynesian economics is communism. Kamala’s dumbass father is a communist like all those dumbass professors that live off taxpayers. It's not a real job. Public schools were a thing karl marx wrote in his book to bring a nation under communism. Fascism is a lesser evil than communism, but still a violent ideology. More people die under communism than fascism. It's not about left versus right. Its the people versus the government.

@Communistbitch After 9/11 what is the first thing they did? Introduce the Patriot Act, all written ready to go in weeks........allegedly. Very detailed legislation in 2 weeks. This legislation did two things that dramatically undermined the constitution Americans all hold so dear.

  1. Gave the potus/ Pentagon the power to wage war without Congressional approval
  2. Created the apparatus for a security state, allowing new alphabet agencies to form like Homeland Security and gave the others extra powers. And lots of funding. It allowed Gittmo to become a torture prison.

The problem is corruption of the Constitution more than anything and a failure to enforce the law in an even way. The Dept of Defense has never come close to being accountable, failing every audit. Same the Pentagon, CIA etc etc.

My big advice to the next president is rip up the Patriot Act, then go from there. After leaving govt, all security clearances need to be revoked and that will rid Washington of the powerful lobbyists. An urgent priority should be to remove AIPAC's immunity from having to register as a foreign entity as it is obvious to all they mess with US politics. Israel is a different country than America but looking at US politics, you wouldn't know it. Tail wagging the dog.

Media is shocking, the only profession mentioned in the Constitution. Murdock press et al need to be broken up. They are supposed to hold the powerful to account, not promote their agendas.

A lot of work to do. The Democratic party won't do it. Nor the GOP. An outsider is needed and that outsider's name is Trump for better or worse.

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