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Rachel Maddow Takes Pay Cut In Mainstream Media Exodus

Can MSNBC make it through the year? Can CNN even make it through the year? Those folks believe that they have such a huge impact on the politics of this country. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.


Look, I know I may seem to come off as crass a lot. But it kind of goes with the territory I'm working in. It's tough when you're targeting both sides of the isle. And quite frankly, the truth just hurts. And when both sides of the isle are being lead down a path named Delusional Reality Ahead, people like me easily become a target in return when we speak dissent. I'm simply trying to get you on the right path.

Mike and Farron cut out the chase the same way in this regard. Knowing a lot of people don't do video news, you can watch or read the transcript here. But each side has their talking points. Talking points manufactured for them by public relation firms, NGOs, and think tanks. Farron says it, they aren't journalist. They're simply reporting manufactured talking points of a delusional reality that they're paid to deliver. Their limited experience of being a journalist or investigative journalist is being sent somewhere, a different location, from their usual reporting set, to deliver fake news from. And any reporter sent abroad is usually within the same environment under preset conditions. Often just sitting in a hotel somewhere having the information, fake news, sent to them via email. None of them are actually doing journalism or investigative journalism by conducting a genuine process a real one would produce the means of a legitimate discovery. They're beholden to a predetermined narrative. And only that predetermined narrative to keep their job.

Anyways. If your news source isn't challenging both sides of the political spectrum, it isn't news. It's prepared transcriptions. Especially in regards to foreign affairs!

I told you what the Biden administration would be. I was right. I told you what Trump would be. I was right. Mike and Farron mention it here. Fox news feeds off the base of the likes of Trump supporters. Trump feeds off his supporters. He didn't follow through with his campaign talk, he abandoned that the very night he won. He'll do the same this time. Russiagate was a lie that went on for years. IT'S STILL BEING SPOKEN OF AS A TRUTH OCCASIONALLY. Variations of it when the constant suggestion of Russia interferences continue in other forms which are piggy backing off that now known lie. We can't even get some people to understand that those involved who have admitted it being a lie to understand it's a lie. The very Crowdstrike CEO who had the data testified in a hearing it was a lie! And this lie still lives! There was no evidence that Russia hacked the DNC data base or interfered in the 2016 election cycle. Or had any dealing with Trump.

They talk about Ed Schultz who I use to listen to on Sirius radio as an OTR driver, before he made it big time to MSNBC. He interviewed the governor of Louisiana after the hurricane. Before she came on he was ranting about getting to the big questions of all the failures that happened. Well, she came on and all it was was an open mic session for her. None of the crap he claimed he would get to was mentioned. Someone during the commercials put a stop to all that. Complicity eventually got him to the big show putting him on MSNBC. Apparently, he couldn't live with being used very long. Another victim of breaking the agenda of preprepared information. Kieth Olbermann. Cenk Uygur, who turned out to become worse afterwards anyways though. Dan Rather. Jesse Ventura. I can go on and on. As i say, follow the history. And the money.

I seemingly can't seem to expose the ways this delusional reality has been built around us enough. Or, apparently, no one seems to care anymore. Playing a part in it is more interesting and fulfilling? Entertaining?

William_Mary 8 Dec 24
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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