Unions prepared to collaborate as USPS announces agreement with DOGE to slash spending
In addition to setting the stage for more cuts, the move, which may still take place, raises democratic issues. Trump’s personal control over USPS, currently operated as an independent agency, would give him access to the processing of mail-in ballots and other sensitive mail.
The unions continue to insist that workers obey sweeping, undemocratic laws banning them from striking even as Trump deliberately violates the law and the Constitution and is working to set up a dictatorship. Appeals to the courts are a dead end, as they know full well, because the Supreme Court is in the hands of Trump’s collaborators.
Statements by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), which covers city carriers, and the National Rural Letter Carriers Association explicitly declared that they are prepared to help USPS find areas to cut costs. “These policy changes are needed to improve the Postal Service’s financial viability, and we welcome anyone’s help who can influence Congress and the Administration to finally enact them,” NALC wrote.
Such a statement amounts to a declaration that they are prepared to work with an emerging dictatorship to attack their own membership.
They even suggest in particular that USPS retirement funds be reinvested away from Treasury bonds into the stock market—which is down more than 4,000 points off of recent highs due to Trump’s trade war measures.
As I have posted in the past in regards to election tampering, you should already be recalling how a war against mail-in ballots was waged, on various fronts.
The interstate cross checking program of fraudulently erasing voters from republican held states. Apparently, there is a new means of purging voters off list. Caging. Potentially going to be used by Trump and worse for the 2026 election cycle. Greg Palast has been coving the ICC fraud for a number of years now.
Timing is a key means to keep voters off the list, once they're removed from the list. If a legitimate voter is removed from the list without notification or keeping close track of their voting status, they can find they've been removed without time to register again. Particular minorities! Who can be a victim and find out when they go to vote.
This isn't just a republican thing either! The democrats have their own voter suppression tactics also. If you have a close fight between an establishment preferred candidate {Clinton 2016} compared to someone speaking as opposition to that candidate and the establishment, tactics used in the oppositions strong districts are applied. Caging isn't really new. It's just coming out of the shadows. And it can be applied even when the opposing candidate is a fraud also.
2016 was a perfect example of caging like tactics. Bernie Sanders was the fraud, Clinton was the preferred candidate, and districts he had a clear or potential view of winning in were targeted. People found their party affiliation were changed in a lot of cases and didn't find out until it was to late to register again. Online registering was shut down just days before the deadline and many failed to get registered. Many were removed and didn't catch that in time. Bill Clinton illegally visited at least 2 polling districts, that I can remember, in Sanders strong districts during the voting process interrupting the process at high voting periods during the day. This was time in the early afternoon when people would vote during their lunch breaks or before their 2nd shift employment.
These were essential occurrences primarily in the New England states found only in districts viewed as Sanders strongholds. The democratic caucuses throughout that year were all scandal ridden on multiple fronts! Sanders delegates were treated like trash and voided any respect in all regards. Multiple incidences of closed door meetings that produced rule breaking actions and false accusations to demonize the Sanders delegations that lead to multiple laws suits that were never addressed. That Sanders never addressed either. He shit on his supporters and delegates from state to state. Before shitting on all of us, and the country, at the end.
You can go back through his post to 2016 and find his comments on the democratic party of that election cycle. They really don't care who wins. All that matters is that the status quo isn't interrupted. Capitalism wins at all cost. Nothing else will be tolerated. You are to be compliant to capitalism. No matter what side you chose, you're complicit towards only benefiting capitalism against your own will. An delusional will, will you think you have, but a will you don't have. Your will has be erased. There is no such thing as democracy in the US. It's an illusion that's highly partitioned for you into a microcosm. And the only primary advantage you might have is being white. But you must vote for an establishment candidate who is owned by the capital system.
Trump says a lot of good things. But never forget, he's a shrewd deceiving business man that cleverly injects chaos into basically everything he touches as a politician. Flooding and overwhelming the system to see what sticks to the wall to see what he can get away with. Tear the wall down and construct the policies he can get away with. The democrats aren't fighting for you, and the judicial system was hijacked in his favor during his first term. Obama let that happen. Biden didn't care as his VP. And he didn't have the mental capacity to challenge it the way Trump did and does today even if he did care. The warhawk criminal cabinet members behind him were running the country. Apparently, maybe, his wife was helping with that.
A citizenship without a country. That's what we truly are now.
How Trump, GOP Fixed 2026 — Yes, 2026
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
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