#HostLife - The people have been turned into "hosts" (a food source - rent payers) for the 1% inbred parasites (leeches - rent collectors) by the re-establishment of the "West Virginia Coal Mine Experience"™ (circa 1900). By incrementally monopolizing necessities (food, water, shelter, utilities), by debt expansion, and by wage suppression: we now work in their company "mines" (cube farms, whatever), live in their company housing (mortgage), shop in their company store (credit card debt), pay MONOPOLY prices for necessities. Literally, cradle to grave slavery to a small collection of "Nanny" Transnational Corporations (all owned at the top by a handful of globalist banksters)
Holy shit! <can I type that here?>
I'm a conservative, capitalist. I hope you won't immediately attack me. I browsed through some posts here to try to understand the "other view" of things. Amazing!
Yes life in the richest third world country really sucks doesn't it? I am glad that I don't but, the shit still mangers to spill over our border, too.
Now, to be fair, we have a number of first world states! My home state of Washington, for example. My current home deep in the Bible Belt, err--not so much. ?
@MikeInBatonRouge This is the case in most third world nation, there is often small patches of sanity and wealth.
@HeathenFarmer wealth that gets further and further concentrated into the hands of a tiny few. ?
@MikeInBatonRouge Concentration of all the wealth and property in the hands of the few, soon starts to look a lot like feudalism, doesn't it.
@HeathenFarmer feudalism, accept that we peasants are allowed to travel and actually purchase land, if we can afford it.
@MikeInBatonRouge For now.
who si the man sitting down?
George Bush Sr. Pres #41.
@MikeInBatonRouge thanks!
Yeah, a meeting of all currently alive presidents (except Carter), and no one else around to take a photo of them but the current president.
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