Has the world veered farther to the right, or is it just becoming more obvious?
It is just becoming more obvious with the advent of better and faster communications (i.e.: the Internet). Yes, we have to watch nations like the US and Brazil moving far to the religious-right, but Ireland is becoming more liberal in their policies and laws. Iceland and the Nordic countries are bastions of liberalism and progressive politics. And even though California seems like and outlier, many state, including Missouri, have passed liberal laws and constitutional amendments concerning voting rights, governmental interference and gerrymandering.
More millennials are turning towards the Socialist Democrats and the progressive Dems than ever before. We are seeing this in the 2018 mid-terms and the Dems winning 40 seats. If the religious-right keep things going the way they are, if the president continues to coddle to them, we will see a change in the Senate in 2020.
The New World Order, is probably not what "they" call it. But I think "they" are behind the right wing success happening around the world. I also have a hunch that they intend to drastically reduce the world population, hence making climate change more controllable...... Why their not worried about it ???
If that's what they have in mind, I wonder why. I don't think it's a matter of space and I always thought a large workforce competing for jobs suited employers so I don't understand it.
If you look at the history of politics, there is a constant swing right to left and back again. We're aware in a far right swing now. I think we'll soon see it swinging back to the left
I hope it doesn't swing too far. I think that is how it works. I sure hope lefties and post-modernists don't take us into some new form of communism.
@OwlInASack LOL I guess not. Terrible is terrible.
I truly believe there is a world wide right wing conspiracy Then again, if you think the whole world is crazy, maybe it's not the whole world.
Considering the actual events and facts that indisputably exist I think it isn't remotely "crazy" to believe there is a conspiracy or movement or whatever you want to call it.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
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