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Bernie vs. Beto

*Summary😘 "The main line of attack against Beto O'Rourke is that he isn't progressive enough — that he's been too close to Republicans in Congress, too close to corporate donors and not willing enough to use his star power to help fellow Democrats — and it is being pushed almost exclusively by Sanders supporters online and in print."

*Link😘 []

*Opinion😘 Beto isn't a progressive. The writer of the article is doing lipservice for O'Rourke in a very skewed spin. By the following two standards is Beto the perfect fit for the Democratic party of 2018.

Corporate donors? (pay)Check.
More Conservative than Progressive? Check

I don't want Trump for another four years. And yet that's exactly what will happen, because these party elitists are depending on all of his scandals to result in his downfall and even make him unelectable. So did Hillary, and look how that turned out.

I'll close with this nugget:

*Excerpt😘 "Melissa Byrne, who worked on Sanders' 2016 campaign and supports him in 2020, said she hopes O'Rourke will run against Texas Sen. John Cornyn instead of seeking the presidency.

"I'm not afraid of Beto," she said. "I'm afraid of people taking a centrist-to-conservative, making that the face of what it means to be a progressive."

aspiringunicorn 6 Dec 24
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I want a progressive Democrat in there. Not changing my mind. Part of the grassroots Indivisible movement. I'm not using my time voting for a corporate Dem.. .just not

vnufall Level 7 Dec 24, 2018

Just to preface my comments below, I don't care about Beto. But I sure as hell will vote for him if he is the eventual Dem nominee in the 2020 general election.
I hope Bernie die-hard supporters have learned at least SOMETHING from the disastrous 2016 elections, ....that primary elections are not the only part that matters; so do general elections. I fear, though, based on so many Bernie-or-bust comments on social media in the past 2 years, I fear they have not learned a thing and only take a perverse smug satisfaction in their hero's primary season opponent's gerryrigged electoral defeat to this existential threat of a Russian puppet we now call president. These Bernie purists had better get their heads out of their asses and realize HRC was not the ultimate enemy, but merely an imperfect was Bernie. The mind bogglingly huge Russian social media blitz, it turns out, continues and has targeted the far Left as much as the far Right, as well as various racial and religious demographics. What really lost in 2016 was democracy.


What USA voters want is HONESTY drain the swamp BILLARY = swamp TrumpOLINI was not a war criminal 2015 but is in Yemen and just lost his illegal war there funding Saudis and drone killing children&camels. ...PEACE through GREEN Jobs can win but BETO refuses to tell the truth about Heidi Cruz stealing million$ from Goldman Sachs taxpayers bailout bonus money 2009 that purchased the Senate seat of Raphael Cruz JUNIOR alias Ted 2011


Beto is better than Cruz, but didn't win. Curz won a Senate seat, because fundamentalist conservatives in Texas voted for him. During the Republican nominations, Cruz trailed Trump by almost 10 points in every poll conducted circa March 2016. Trump has had a very low approval rating during his first two years as POTUS compared to other presidents. In other words, Beto lost against Cruz, who lost to Trump, who didn't win the popular vote for president. Gerrymandering won the election for Trump.

The big money Dems who want to run Beto for president are trying to set up the next election for a Republican win, again. Beto is a loser.

EdEarl Level 8 Dec 24, 2018
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