This blog is written by an atheist philosophy professor. He shredded “God’s Not Dead” to ribbons and he writes a mean Star Wars review. He’s saying the left has become “abusive” and “authoritarian.” What do you think? []
This article hits a lot of points very well and articulately, in my view. And, of course, it will be roundly condemned as garbage by some. Those will be the self-appointed arbiters of all things progressive. I think common understanding of liberalism has evolved over time, and the progressive movement has had some role in that. Also, liberalism and neoliberalism get conflated and that is confusing. Every movement has its weaknesses. Progressives have rightly pointed to several failings or shortcomings of liberalism. But in so doing, they have revealed some of their own. This article hit on some of those spot-on. I have watched some progressives act just about as tolerant as tea party followers, just from a very different place on the political spectrum. A strength of traditional liberalism (and I am not talking about economics/neoliberalism here) is tolerance for diversity. Political correctness seems motivated from a good place, but it so easily morphs into an ugly intolerance for any perspective but one's own...or even any variation in narrow, currently "approved" terminologies. All of this intolerance is precisely the polarization that Vladimir Putin has worked so hard and deviously to sew among all citizens of western democracies. He has targeted the Left and Center, it is becoming increasingly revealed, every bit as much as the Right, and various racial, ethnic, and other demographics to boot. Polarization is what he is counting on to destroy democracy. The most intolerant of the very vocal progressives are playing right into his hands. I have strong opinions as much as the next person, but I also know sometimes our differences are actually much less than our common interests, and I believe in many shades of gray more than in black and white for most issues. I actually respect and am encouraged by many progressive ideas. But I also agree that this article has shone a light on the very quality that risks destroying the good that the movement is trying to achieve. But what do I know. I am just a liberal with progressive leanings. By some "true" Progressive banner-bearers' convictions, I should be shouted down.
@dan325 I am,afraid a purple Martian would not be a natural born citizen and therefore ineligible to run. ?
@dan325 ah, but if Obama was any indication, even producing an official birth record isn't proof to those who don't want to believe.
@dan325 Right, Christians!
Soapbox time: When on occasion Trump's avalanche of lies and abusive, selfish, and glaringly UN-CHRISTLIKE behavior is acknowledged by a white evangelical Trump voter, more often than not they claim God can use "an imperfect vessel" to do great works. Um, ....yyyyyyyeaahhh, right. So aparently, God couldn't have helped any of the actual Christian candidates in 2016 to win. And he couldn't use anyone at all attached to the label "Democrat." And what happened to that Bible verse "By their works you shall know them?" You know, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, acts like a gigantic garbage heap of sins?
Fucking hypocrits!! And I am not even refering to Trump. He lies constantly, sure. But he also often admits pretty much exactly who he is (minus the agent of Russia part).
Sometimes you need to call shit as shit even if it drives some folks away. Standing up to abuse and reprehensible behavior is necessary. "My ex was a drug-dealing Nazi." (told to me by a young woman I was trying to develop a friendship with) is not to be glossed over in the least and must be challenged. I have no problem with trying to 'reach' people and help them reconsider as long as they are willing to face the consequences of their actions but if not, then belittling and even punching a fascist is acceptable. Wearing a red MAGA hat isn't quite as bad as a swastika but it's a clear sign of racist/nationalist views and I have no problem belittling their fucked up beliefs. Now as for dealing with middle of the road liberalism I won't approach them with some kind of purity test and condemn their wishy-washy actions without at least some consideration because I always try to remember the racists/fascists/nationalists are the true enemy.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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