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It has just come to my attention that the 26th of January is not only the date Australia celebrates its British Colonisation - aka by Australian First Nations People who have lived here for 50, 000 years as Invasion Day, but it is also the anniversary of the death in 1965 of Sir Winston Churchill.
Now as some of you know Winston Churchill is not particularly held in high esteem by myself and if they knew their history the ancestors of New Zealand and Australian soldiers slaughtered in the bloodbath commonly known as Gallipoli in WWI would also have their doubts.

It was with interest that I read of this little spat between Scottish MP Ross Greer who calls Churchill a "mass murderer" and "Good Morning Britain's" Piers Morgan who in a tweet called Greer a "thick ginger turd", Greer is a slightly built young man, Morgan an overfed, under exercised middle aged man.

Piers Morgan in TV bust-up with Scottish politician who labeled Winston Churchill a 'mass murderer' []

FrayedBear 9 Jan 29
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Jan 26 is also the day India became a republic - probably explains Churchill's death on that day! (He perpetrated genocide by deliberately starving Bengal during the war.) That day is also my birthday!

Krish55 Level 8 Jan 29, 2019

Someone else - Carole Kay perhaps shared it. Being a mathemetician you would know how many people does it require to have in the same room to have a 95% probability that two will have the same birthdate - i recall reading it once and it was a fairly low number possibly in the twenties. But it is a long time ago and my memory is not what it was. ?


RT? Ugh.

dokala Level 7 Jan 29, 2019

Did you catch syphilis from RT?
It sounds like you like to automatically shoot the messenger without listening to the message. Who indoctrinated you into your response and why?

Yeah, a Russian infection. Use credible sources.

@dokala if you took the trouble you would find a video from a national British tv station to watch. Is that not a credible source?

There's no escaping urine in the kiddy pool.

@dokala I see that you are an agnostic atheist. Does that mean that if you are on fire you will not let xtians or Muslims piss on you to put the fire out?

"Ugh" to a closed mind...



People who don't know the history of the west are remarkably ignorant of the atrocities committed by the "civilized" Europeans.

Reminds me of the quote I see attributed to Ghandi: When asked what he thought of European civilization, he replied "I think it would be a good idea."

Mitch07102 Level 8 Jan 29, 2019

Churchill has a poor rep in South Africa as well. All I, a yank, know is he gets a lot of credit for WWII in which he had those around him make military decisions for the most part and after the war during recovery the people voted him out. And a Brit friend, like me, born after the war, complains about Spam and how long the British took to recover.

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