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Difference among the progressive parties in the U.S.

This might be a good place to ask this question. What are the main progressive parties in the U.S. (that is, neither Republican nor Democratic)? And what are their major differences?

I think what I want to do is to ensure the defeat of reactionaries like Trump in the national elections, but want to be more involved in local politics via joining the like-minded individuals in political party structure (and no, I am not interested in the Democratic party. While I will support some of its agenda and candidates, I want to develop a coherent strategy toward the future)

So... what are the differences, and why are there so many?

I know Green Party, Socialist Workers Party, Worker's World Party, and the Communist Party. The Communist Party doesn't really count. In the U.S., the CP can only be an agitation source, not a forum for larger community actions.

So what are their differences (if you know) and what other ones are there?

AtheistReader 7 Apr 19
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So, among all the progressive parties out there, the Green Party is the strongest contender? What was the Green Party's reasoning behind putting up a separate presidential candidate in 2016? Was it because the party believed that Hillary would definitely win regardless of what happened?

If not, wasn't that decision a bit irresponsible?


The Green Party is the most practical of those you've listed. It's basically a democratic-socialist and environmental party that is notably anti imperialist and supportive of Palestinian rights. The others are more doctrinaire, fringe parties.

Krish55 Level 8 Apr 19, 2019

Isn't that what they all say? 🙂

So what is the main difference between the Green Party and the Socialist Party? Doesn't the Sociality Party also subscribe to the importance of the environmental issues as well as anti-imperialist views?

@ToolGuy This isn't Canada , and Green parties are not the same the world over .


A number of years ago the communist party disbanded and a few of the members got elected to the government as dems in California. Not sure where it stands today.

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