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"The Democratic Party Is Trying To Downplay Climate Change. Don't Let It.
All the candidates want to curb fossil fuel emissions, but there is far from a consensus on how to do it. Should nuclear power be part of the solution? A tax on carbon emissions? Tougher regulations? The candidates disagree. Let’s hear what they have to say. If we do, we’ll also see which candidate, under competitive pressure, displays the rhetorical skills the party needs to make this a winning issue in a national election... I suggest that you simply refuse to accept the D.N.C. edict. If the party will not host a climate debate, agree among yourselves that you are going to have one. Ask one of the cable channels to put it on the air." What do you think?
POLL: Will the Dem candidates host a climate debate independent of the D.N.C.?

  • 4 votes
  • 6 votes
AnonySchmoose 8 June 17
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The DNC does not always promote progressive or liberal ideals (frankly I find them a bit center right). Science is science, but money is motivation. We need to get profit into the equation. Then people who honestly care will do the right thing, and the rest will d9 the right thing, just not for the right reason(greed)

Canndue Level 8 June 18, 2019

I agree. They have done it before, and I'm betting may do it again this time. Unfortunately big money influences too many people, including voters who would otherwise help the better candidate.


Will they? Who knows? Should they? Hell yes!!!

MojoDave Level 9 June 18, 2019

this is an opinion piece, right? well i don't agree with that opinion. the democratic party is NOT trying to downplay climate change; at least one of the candidates is making his campaign ALL about climate change and the others are all in favor of reversing the damage trump is doing and proceeding to treat the issue as a serious emergency. i do not see any downplaying at all. the dnc won't host a climate change debate... as of right now. that means the democrats, as a group, are downplaying? maybe the dnc is waiting for a better time! it's not as if holding such a debate today is going to be more effective than holding it in a few months, since the ugly powers that be will do nothing regardless. and even if i'm wrong and the leaders of the dnc (i happen to like perez a LOT) are being pissy about this, how does that mean that the democrats as a group are downplaying climate change?


genessa Level 8 June 17, 2019

Genessa, I believe the issue is about whether the D.N.C. will allow candidates to debate about climate change, or will ostracize them. As of now, the D.N.C. aims to ostracize them for trying to debate the issue. That is the inflexible restriction being imposed on Dem candidates, who do want to debate about climate change. The article doesn't accuse Dem candidates of downplaying it, only their "masters" the D.N.C.

@AnonySchmoose no, it actually isn't about that at all. the only thing the dnc has said is that it is not planning to host a debate, a separate debate, specifically about climate change. it has NOT indicated that it will punish candidates in any way for discussing climate change! and the headline doesn't say masters lol. but if this is what is being said, that the candidates can't discuss it and will be punished if they do, then that is incorrect. that's not happening. not a bit.


@genessa Okay ... I chose the word "masters" as I've read other articles about the D.N.C.'s agenda being more sympathetic to corporate agendas--and not truly progressive or social democratic principles, which are valued by a very many Americans who haven't really been heard by either GOP or DEM party power players. We talk about it a lot in my home, and hear a lot of news, and read a lot of magazines ... and that is why I've communicated as I did in my post and other comment.

@AnonySchmoose i understand the use of the word masters. what i don't understand is where this idea comes from that the dnc has forbidden candidates to talk about climate change. it simply isn't true. it's just that the dnc was asked to host a specific debate (not the ones already planned) about climate change and declined. i don't know whether they don't want to do it for reasons they're not saying, or whether they've said why and i just haven't heard, or whether they're actually just not doing it right now and are planning it for later, but that's what the whole thing is about, nothing to do with controlling the candidates.


@genessa Okay ... I get how what I said and posted could upset the apple cart. I'm not going to be dogmatic and say I know everything about their intentions. I do agree with what you just wrote and will respect your information and opinion. I suppose we're going to have to wait and see what happens. Okay?

@AnonySchmoose well, unless one of us has a crystal ball, yeah lol



Your question "will" gets a no vote from me, while I would vote yes for should.

I wish to put public pressure on the candidates to make them "will" it to be.


The D.N.C is up to their tricks again by Trying to Jam Biden down our throats. They'll Try to do the same on Climate...
It's going to fall on the candidates to start the dialogue on this most important issue!

Charlene Level 9 June 17, 2019

Stupid if they don't bring up climate

bobwjr Level 10 June 17, 2019
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