Someone here can help?
Theory of Games and the Balance of Nash's Theory can be applied in economics. Nowadays we have so many problems because there are big incentives to make money while contribuiting to socioeconomic inequality.
If we change the incentives and the algorith of distribution of wealth, humankind could diminish its wealth inequalities. Besides humans create artificial scarcity to make money.
Someone here could help me by giving me ideas of how can we decrease economic inequality by using Nash's Theories please?
Are you stoned watching A BEAUTIFUL MIND movie ? Monetarism is the problem never an answer....only some people kill for paper coins shiny metal hard sparkly rocks or rapist rights of planet earth or who ever rapists want to other species kills hundreds if not thousands of peers for insane reasons...double the minimum wage across USA if you want a instant practical wealth reform
Because right now we are in a hard system of wealth distribution. Which worsen day by day with artificial scarcity. Artificial scarcity is the way to create and substain big cash flows for banks and companies, by hiting thw middle and lower classes. Tgis is the reason why we have CEOs earning millions and millions of homeless people. This needs to stop, and I think Nash's equilibrium of win-win has a hidden secret to fix this win-loss system. Please opinions and help...
Pure gibberish....the USA is still a giant plantation system with industrial ghettos
...homeless people need 40 dollar an hour jobs for 2 years just to buy an average California home....greed rules and you want to tweak the Federal Reserve to meet human needs ? Quit smoking dope and join the real world of illegal aliens invading USA welcomed by the Chamber of COMMERCE to bust union jobs at half their contract wages
Sorry, I'm Keyensian, well regulated capitalism with socialistic tendencies. That makes me progressive. Wealth redistribution through high taxes on the largest incomes and corporations paying at least 30% of the tax base.
I am Keynesian as well...there is no reason that this type of economic structure can't work well to reward those who invest the time and capital while setting up future success for those who does not have to be greed based nor does it have to be a true egalitarian system that creates a lack of incentives ..
Well this is interesting. Even though, I think this is a symptom cure method. It doesn't solve the root problem which is the incentive to create wealth. I think if we change the incentive for a win-win basis, it could lead eventually to an equilibrium. I think the solution is in the algorithm of wealth distribution. Taxes are an example of this distribution but it needs more to be effective. Now, how can we change wealth creation incentives to generate an equalitarian economic distribution?
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…
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Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
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Posted by KilltheskyfairyCorporate greed!