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Black Women, Let Your Anger Out
Chronic stress is killing us.
We can’t keep repressing our rage.Sometimes anger is justified. villianized, by white male privledge. "So what is to be done? If not even a celebrity like Serena Williams can voice her anger without being penalized, noncelebrities are certainly at . If we take up space with our justifiable fury, the negative consequences are myriad, from employment backlash to reinforcing stereotypes about Angry Black Women. If we suppress our anger, we validating a different, damaging caricature that paints Black women as feeling no pain."

Bigel 5 July 1
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Concur completly,thier voices need the
megaphone "effect". The minority gals
that i work with tip toe around appologeticlly -i often encourage them to
be themselves.

BBJong Level 7 July 4, 2019

I'm not a black woman so I do not feel qualified to comment.Racism and sexism definitely puts black women in a different place than all men and women of different races.

Lorajay Level 9 July 1, 2019


Racist is racist. If your yellow and your racist against blue, your a bigot.


So, If I say, "Those brown Mexican's are stealing jobs from everyone. Fucken Mexican's."

It would be bigotry. Right?

It would still be bigotry if I said, "Mexican's are taking job's from everyone."

Still bigotry, right?

So, when you make statements about corporations oppressing people, and blame it on white males, is it bigotry?

Does your being a white male preclude you from being a bigot when you spew bigotry on other white males?

If so, is the statement, "Mexicans are stealing jobs.". no longer bigotry if spoken by a Mexican?

Just curious.

By the way... I don't know what black bitches you hang around with, but the ones I know, even the real docile ones, they are lightning in a bottle.

You want to see fireworks, don't go out on the fourth, just piss off a black chick. Don't believe me, ask a black chick. Hey I can have some call you, if you don't believe me.

Trust me, they know how to let their anger out. They don't need your go-ahead, white male.

Heathenman Level 7 July 1, 2019

@Bigel I didn't claim I was a victim of discrimination.

What I stated was you made a biggoted comment.

I stand by it.


I never got the impression black women were noted for keeping their anger under wraps.

brentan Level 8 July 1, 2019

My goodness. I must admit my only insight into black women convicts is OITNB.

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