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"Jeff Bezos’s Corporate Takeover of Our Lives

How Amazon’s relentless pursuit of profit is squeezing us all—and what we can do about it"
"Fostering competition is a good start, but regulation must also prevent Amazon from bullying suppliers and partners. Lawmakers must force Amazon to pay for the externalities associated with its carbon-intensive delivery network. The company must pay a living wage to its workers, including its so-called independent contractors. It must be accountable to the legal system rather than a corporate-friendly arbitration process. It must not profit from spying on its customers." ......................................................................................

I shop Amazon Prime and have noticed how a price can be low one minute and higher a few minutes later. Packages do not arrive in two days sometimes. Have you directly noticed the ways Amazon takes advantage of its customers, partners, and workers?

AnonySchmoose 8 July 14
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For the most part, Amazon has beat Walmart and every other product "brick-and-mortar" store for prices. True, you have to wait for good deals a couple of days...and there's more than one web site that tracks the rise and fall of try


...and I think there's others. Google "amazon price trackers".

Also, browse Amazon. They have one-day or shorter sales...when some stuff is being closed out...and the prices get rediculously low.

One more good thing about Amazon...there's a "sister" link called "["]; that lets you buy almost all the same stuff for the same prices...but lets you name a charity to let sellers give about 1% of their profits to them. My charity's made close to $200 in 2018.

I impulse-bought a $2000 fat-tire battery powered bike (see image, below) for less than $'s too fast and tech-complicated for I'm selling it...but it is a good value....

Robecology Level 9 July 15, 2019

Don't shop at Amazon. Americans have the power to stop these corporations in their unethical tracks. I doubt most will ever learn though as they are to addicted to stuff they really don't need.


Raise the minimum wage and Support Unions and this Bullshit will Stop .

GEGR Level 7 July 15, 2019

I agree!

I agree that the workforce have no power to survive. Unions must be truly fair. I hope Unions can be revived in America.


Jeff Bezos has achieved all using the existing laws on the books. He has succeeded in a capitalist economy where we do not hate but adore the successful and the rich. We have fed the top 1% richest in America where we value and celebrate the rich and not teachers and others.

What Jeff Bezos did was available for every single American to achieve.

St-Sinner Level 9 July 15, 2019

I worked for corporations for roughly eighteen years, and I've experienced the unbelievable things they get away with doing. They don't care at all.

I worked for 42 years, mostly in the U.S. They do not need to care. They are in for profit and they must obey the laws. They don't owe anything to the public. Creating employment and contributing to the economy is the most valuable contribution they make.

Start focusing on individuals who get in public service but are selfish, have premium health care, stay in office for 30, 40 and 50 years, have no term limits and do unethical things. Jeff Besos is not your enemy. Your own leaders including Democrats are.

"Every American" is an old catch phrase - just like everyone has equal odds with the lottery. Except the business world is rigged for the wealthy. Sure, some can make it, but statistics show it is near impossible to rise on hard work and intelligence alone.

I agree that the system is rigged but the solution is not start hating the rich.

You do not owe anything to the society because you are rich. It is a wrong expectation. A business is expected to have and demonstrate social responsibility but it is not required by law.

There are a lot of things every American can do to be better and at least be financially independent if not rich or super rich.Books have been written about effective habits of successful and rich people.

Hating the rich is easy but achieving or emulating their good traits is not. It will take reading, learning and making efforts.

There are many things struggling Americans do that the successful and the rich do not. I can elaborate if you want.

@St-Sinner You are distorting the issue. Hating the injustice of wealth disparity is not hating the individual rich themselves.


The rich and successful do not do many of these things. I am talking about what most don't, not talking about specific examples.

  1. Pile up debt on credit cards
  2. Live beyond means
  3. Buy a mortgage based on 2 or more incomes in a household
  4. Compete with neighbors and friends, want a better car, a better house...
  5. Be afraid to break out a comfort zone, leave job, follow your heart, your passion and take risks
  6. Drop out of school
  7. Not improve skills, knowledge, technology, change careers
  8. Marry high school sweet hearts and stunt career, professional, personal growth by getting into kids, family and debt too soon and not leave town
  9. Follow a wrong American dream of borrowing on credit cards, take a second mortgage, have a European vacation
  10. Not read, not mingle with people different than you, not be ready to have your beliefs challenged
  11. Travel to beaches, resorts and not travel to learn, observe, explore, not to learn history
  12. Spend a lot of valuable time on BBQ, beer, sports, evening TV Serials, cable TV and religion
  13. Over-buy things and stuff your 2 car garage with unwanted stuff and and park cars in the driveway.
  14. Hate educated and qualified immigrants but do not learn from them
  15. Believe others are not going to heaven if they don't accept Jesus into life... LOL

Let us ponder over this before we begin hating the rich.

No, I am not.

  1. Capitalism allows accumulation of wealth. The game is open to every one, every single one of us.
  2. Jeff Bezos came after Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and many other juggernauts and became richer than them. He saw the future. I saw his rise up close in New York because he was written off by stock analysts who argued he was short of cash, books were not selling and would not be able to compete with Borders, Barnes and Noble. What most did not know that he was envisioning the future of eCommerce and AWS etc. Another reason, I watched his rise closely because I built 5 eCommerce stores when Amazon was only selling books online. I had over 15,000 products with great galleries, smooth checkout and tons of content and value delivery. I worked every hard but just could not compete with Amazon. They stole my lunch. I lost a lot of money. But I have nothing but admiration for Amazon.
  3. America has embraced pure capitalism from the start. It must be controlled for monopoly, law breaking and excesses but we do not limit businessmen or businesses because those are highly successful.
  4. Amazon has brought amazingly great things to our lives. It has taken us into a new world of easy of shopping, cheaper prices, quick delivery, price and service guarantees, avoiding traffic and parking hassles to huge malls. We liked what Amazon and we gave them our support and business.
  5. Jeff Bezos did not steal, rob and make money illegally or immorally
  6. We should take pride in the fact that Amazon is admired around the world for its rapid rise, diversity of businesses and being so powerful. While we hate him, he is the envy of the world.

Our hate and anger is misplaced. I will give you a list of our own democratic and republican political leaders in Washington who:

  1. Have cut deals with devils to rob us,
  2. Are using premium health care while millions of Americans do not have any
  3. Are in bed with lobbyists
  4. Do not agree together and the other side to get things done for American people
  5. Have allowed Wall Street loot and exploitation
  6. Do not accept term limits and have made a career out of public office by staying in Washington for 30, 40, 50 years without accomplishing much into their 70s, 90s and 90s.

Spend your energy where it is warranted. Jeff Bezos is not your enemy.

I read your list two comments above. I didn't do any of those things you listed. I tried to live intelligently within my means and interacted with immigrants. I completely my education during those years in night classes. Those corporations you love didn't offer any opportunity to continue working for them, even though they said they loved my work and ethic. You don't appear to understand what they are doing to the working middle class, and I see no reason to read your insults. I've seen plenty of what they do to their employees.

You worked hard but please understand there are good players and bad players just as there are good employees and bad employees. I worked often like a dog until 4 am and often took office limo home. I made a lot of money. There are many examples like mine. Corporate employers in high capitalism are driven by bottom line and value to shareholders, not to you. The expectation that they should be kind is wrong. If you want to see how kind corporations work, go to Africa, India where you get no customer service and are thrown out if you complain. Labor unions are strong and bad employees cannot be fired.

@St-Sinner I think America needs labor unions, because too many corporations are laying off thousands of employees, so that they can give multi-million dollar bonuses to their top bosses. Next, they will go to foreign countries to use and abuse workers there for less pay than Americans. The only way of life left to workers after corporations have used them up is deplorable. And I know they don't care one iota for anything but money. They are not human, but the Supreme Court has voted that Corporations are People. That is the biggest nonsense from the biggest capitalist nonsense nation on earth. They have ruined America in very many ways, because they are greedy and selfish and not humane.

@St-Sinner What a load of Fucking Bullshit .

@St-Sinner Bullshit

@St-Sinner If you think that these Fucking Corporate Gangsters are obeying the Laws then You are living in a dream world .


I was an Amazon reseller for several years. In spite of the fact that 1/3 of their retail income came from small sellers like me, they had absolutely no respect for us. 😖

MojoDave Level 9 July 14, 2019

My girlfriend knew Bezos before he got a lot of money, but she thought he was unfair in business back then too. She's disliked him a long time for a similar reason.


Yup wish there was better

bobwjr Level 10 July 14, 2019

I wish there were good discoveries to come for business and consumers.

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