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I hope no one is falling for MSMBC. I love Jimmy so much.

Fred_Snerd 8 July 19
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Thanks. I needed that

Rudy1962 Level 9 July 23, 2019

You love this guy? He is not funny. He definitely is not smart. I am as liberal as it gets, but I am also smart enough to know this country will not vote in a person they think is too far to the left. Donny is right. It is about who can go toe to toe with Trump and who will bring back a feeling of normalcy back to the office. America is a centrist nation at this time. Until the Boomers are gone it will remain so. They are a huge voting block and they will vote. Trump and his folks will be screaming the word "Socialism" and the Boomers and leaning right centrists will not go there. If we want four more years of Trump, then nominate someone to far left. Quit acting like everyone who is rich is evil. That is beyond stupid.

Sticks48 Level 9 July 19, 2019

@Fred_Snerd Have a nice bromance. 🙂

@Fred_Snerd I don't admire anyone that much. 🙂

I couldn't disagree more

@JesseBoren Facts are facts. If this were not true we would have elected a Progressive somewhere in our recent past. Clinton and Obama would have never won if they had not tracked to the middle. You either learn from the past or you are doomed to repeat mistakes. I would love a Progressive President, but this country is not ready to pay the price to achieve these ideas. The boomers are still the largest voting block by a small margin, and they will vote in larger numbers than Millennials. Progressives typically shoot themselves in the foot by not voting if they don't get the nominee they want (childish and stupid). This is how we got Trump and this Supreme Court. I am hopeful Trump fatigue will drive more people to vote, but I am not that confident. Always remember 50% of the population have below average IQs.


He's so right about Donnie Dipshit! Hope MSNBC gets rid of him soon!


Love it very sharp

bobwjr Level 10 July 19, 2019
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