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No super PACS

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Reston 4 Nov 4
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Employee ownership capitalism.
The capitalism we now have, besides being socialism for the well-connected but competitive free enterprise for all others, selects for sociopathy

yvilletom Level 8 Nov 8, 2019

In a pure form of either superpacs would cease to exist

glennlab Level 10 Nov 4, 2019

I doubt that a pure form of either is possible.


Not clear about what we're voting about. Let me leave you with this educational video on how we're already a Socialist nation...and that doesn't inhiibit capitolism one bit.

As I've often said..greed is a "Perfect addiction"....but it could spell death for America...


America has always been socialist for Alexander Hamilton’s “rich and well born” and for James Madison’s “minority of the opulent.” They used that language in the 1787 Const. Convention.



EdEarl Level 8 Nov 4, 2019

Present capitalism has no conscience, will run over everyone for profit and for the shareholders, no matter what the cost to society.

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 4, 2019

Unrestrained capitalism is not good for anyone. Democratic socialism is fair and all boats rise.

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