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Hello everyone. I’m new to this group and to this social media site in general. I became a democratic socialist a few months ago after I really started getting interested in politics and I got exposed to progressive Youtubers. I started watching Kyle Kulinski, Mike Figuerdo, David Pakman, Sam Ceder, etc. I’m super progressive now and I fully support Bernie Sanders to be our next president of the United States. Our current system is fucked up and we need real change. I’m curious to see how many people here are also Bernie fans! #BernieSanders2020

Rachel56 5 Nov 13
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Bernie is a viable candidate, and has amassed a good following. The DNC will use many tricks to try and prevent him from winning, but ultimately it is up to the voters . A revolution is exactly what we need. The country swung to the far right, to correct this we need to swing far left, otherwise, if you vote for centrists, we end up with republican lite (Biden, Hillary, Pete)

Canndue Level 8 Nov 14, 2019

Sanders is 100% fake....illegally flies deathtrap F35s out of Vermont spending a trillion borrowed dollars on these insane planes....Bernie has been a fraud ever since he betrayed unions as Mayor....don't waste time on his lies pandering to you....real EcoSocialism has been the career of 5 decades of peace work and stopping polluters


Welcome. Hope you enjoy Agnostic. Yes, Bernie.

EdEarl Level 8 Nov 14, 2019

I like Bernie; although I have yet to choose a candidate. Just please remember this: vote your heart in the primary and VOTE pragmatically in the election. We need to get rid of the orange menace - even if it is a dead sea monkey.


Got to see Bernie live a couple years ago but his age is a concern.

Frctnal Level 7 Nov 13, 2019

I am Voting For Him . The problem in this Country is that we are Scared to Death of Change . But if there is not Change, and Soon, the Riots and Rebellion will Soon Follow .

GEGR Level 7 Nov 13, 2019

Bernie will not be president. I can eloborate if you want.

St-Sinner Level 9 Nov 13, 2019

Why don’t you think Bernie has a chance?

@Rachel56 I am glad you asked.

Here is why:

There are some serious problems with Bernie. It should not be too hard to understand.

  1. Bernie is calling for a revolution. We do not have the ingredients for a revolution. A revolution needs a desperate and an angry society. We are not. A revolution needs an inspiring leader who can give a rallying cry to make people rise to their feet. Bernie is not that leader. The social situation must be hopeless. It is not. The economy is doing the best it ever has in the last 70 years.
  2. Bernie is promising a pie in the sky. Taxing the rich for giving everything free is not selling. It will never sell unless you have a revolution like the Maoist Communist revolution. You just don't tax the rich but you destroy them.
  3. Let us assume his message is palatable. He is not the right messenger. Why? Read #5.
  4. Even if he is elected, how is he going to get anything done in Washington? We cannot get a simple bill passed like infrastructure bill for the past 11 years? It has a bi-partisan support. 86% of voters support gun control but we cannot get one damn restriction passed in Washington for 35 years. Bernie spent 45 years in politics and he is marinated there for very long but has nothing to show for it. Not one big memorable issue. Other than his candidacy, he cannot be identified with any big initiative. Ask people in the streets. Why did he vote for putting a ban on suing gun manufacturers in case of mass shooting?
  5. Bernie is a not leader with necessary attributes that nation will elect president any time soon. We will not elect a Jewish candidate, a very old candidate, a hunchback, a personality like an absent minded professor from Back to the Future movie. He does not even get a damn hair cut before a TV interview. I do not think American people want him to go represent America and shake hands with the Queen in England. You will laugh and say it does not matter. The country is telling us time and again since 2016 with his sliding that it does matter.
  6. Our nation is not ready to elect any of these demographics. It is unfortunate but denying it is living in a la la land.
    a. Gay
    b. Mormon
    c. Atheist
    d. Muslim
    e. Hindu
    f. Jewish
    g. Self proclaimed white supremacist
  7. A black president is also very unlikely for another 15 years. Obama was a very rare exception. He was very good, he came during a perfect storm (anger against Iraq war, against Bush and Cheney, also about Rumsfeld, serious economic meltdown, and a lousy candidate like McCain). This storm will not happen again. America's white majority will elect an average white candidate than a twice as good black candidate if all other things are normal. It has to be a perfect storm.
  8. Last but not the least, Bernie should not be allowed to hijack the Democratic platform to seek the highest office of the land. He has not been a Democrat, always has been an independent and he should run as an independent. We have plenty of good Democrat candidates who can do better than him. He has done serious damage to the party's image by painting it as an extreme left socialist party. The opponents have successfully labeled the Democratic party as socialist and extreme left wing. We are not an extreme left wing or a socialist party. We are a party of great leaders in the history who have been able to bring both aisles together to get things done in Washington, not polarize people extremely like Bernie has done twice. Voters told him once loud and clear to get out but apparently he has not listened. He is failing again. I do not know what other signals he needs to drop out and not run ever again. Bernie is not a Democrat and we are not like Bernie.

I hope you will agree and join the fight to cleanse the Democratic Party of these loose, lunatic extremists for good.


He’s the one where I put my money

Rudy1962 Level 9 Nov 13, 2019

Welcome, I've been a Bernie fan since he was a mayor and took seniors by bus to Canada to buy their drugs.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 13, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 Nov 13, 2019

Im a Bernie fan but not voting for him.

Lorajay Level 9 Nov 13, 2019

@ToolGuy i think he's too old especially since we need a 2 term president. Incumbents are a lot easier to elect. VPs seldom get elected. I like Warren and Mayor Pete. I dislike both Warren And Bernie's healthcare plans. I think Pete's Medicare for all who want it is the best plan. I will definitely vote for whoever gets the nomination.

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