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I'm often glued to CNN for special day-to-day presentations on congressional inquiries, Dem candidate debates, "town hall" meetings when I can catch them... but still don't have a foolproof knowledge of how the primaries work. If Bernie has another heart attack (or otherwise decides to pull out) and Kamala Harris decides to recommend Elizabeth Warren in the end (or even vice versa), I'm counting on this combined left wing public support eventually consolidating and overwhelming the moderate/unfettered capitalism of Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar(?), the billionaire former NY mayor, etc. Does this sound workable, or is the Dem H.Q. still likely to step in and overturn any sign of a move to the left?

Garbonza 6 Nov 24
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If you are glued to CNN, you are a left winger. If you are glued to Fox News, you are a right winger. Both are declaring verdicts on own on our behalf.

But please don't stress out about Bernie, Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, the Billionaires. They all are going to fizzle out. Warren will be the Democratic nominee.

St-Sinner Level 9 Nov 25, 2019

I've already thought of a scenario where Bernie might retire from the field for health reasons, and endorse Warren. But then it is unlikely that Warren would pick Harris, the other excellent presidential candidate, as her running mate -- for both demographic and political reasons, trying to cover the whole field of female-male and left-moderate. It would be ideal though if the two women fronted together as a p-o-c and caucasian combo.


First, Every state has its own rules for electing delegates. No delegates will be awarded prior to the primary for that state. Because of 2016, there have been differences in how the super delegates vote and take part. Super delegates came about to allow rank and file to attend even if they were from one of those precincts that was home to several elected officials who would snatch up all the delegate slots for convention. They do not get a vote until the second ballot, if one is necessary. This will be the first election under the new rules. All super delegates will be on the floor and in committees where they will have votes on items brought before them. There is way too much hand wringing before the vote vote has been cast in any primary. NH and Iowa will most likely winnow the field down to 5 or 6 and by Super Tuesday we should see who our real front runners are. It is really in the voters hands, so get out , vote, drag at least a few of your like minded friends out to vote with you.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 24, 2019

Wow, if tiny, under-populated Iowa is that influential won't this give Buttigieg an artificial fillip just because he's mister rosy-cheeked Midwesterner who's straight (excuse the expression) dow the middle as as a be-nice-to-rich-people moderate? When is Super Tuesday again? I'm in New Zealand and though I'm still (as far as the US Consulate in Auckland knows) a US citizen I'm not registered to vote.

@Garbonza That has been a complaint since the 1970s when the process was changed from all closed causus conventions. Direct voting in primaries is a very recent developement. Delegates are elected at princint, to district to state to national. While delegates may be bound to a particular candidate, after the first ballot at each level they may change their vote. None of this is fully binding until a vote has occured on national convention floor. I still haven't read the party rules for the upcoming convention, but if I'm going to go, i probably ought to. A link to the super tuesday info []

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