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This is a fairly good overview of what's happened both historically and currently in terms of social democracy principles ... and it won't take too long to watch this.


Question: How do you think the ideas of democratic socialism, aka social democracy, have gained more support recently?

AnonySchmoose 8 Nov 26
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The bias against Democratic Socialism in. the video is obvious, and strong.

We are already card-carrying socialists...that social security card in your wallet? That's a perfect example of democratic socialism at work.

We all know that those of us on the receiving end of SS checks are getting what some bureaucrats think is fair...but most of us recipients don't approve.

We all know that there's hundreds of thousands going bankrupt on health bills....and only in America.

Your video prompts fear, not acceptance. Socialism isn't just a "fad" as the video implies.

This video takes a more positive view.

Robecology Level 9 Nov 26, 2019

democratic socialism is not the same as social democracy. Wiki provides this definition: The difference between the two is that social democrats support practical reforms to capitalism as an end in itself whereas democratic socialists ultimately want to go beyond mere social democratic reforms and advocate systematic transformation of the economy from capitalism to socialism

Great video. I'd like to see more comments.

Thanks for making that clear.
Though I wonder if any average people know the distinction iindicates whether an economy is a somewhat fairer capitalism, or rather, a democratic socialist economy.

I'm sure that distinction is true, though many countries around northern Europe including Scandinavian ones still refer to themselves as "social democracies" not "democratic socialism" -- though they do have massive social safety nets and widely socialised essential services and see themselves as virtually the opposite of the unfettered capitalism of the US. This is simply because they know the connotations and ongoing echoes of such monikers as "The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics" as the chosen name of the previous Russian empire, and "Deutsche Demokratische Republik" for the totalitarian communist state of East Germany. I wonder if Bernie is being far too subtle and more than a little too impish for his (and America's) own good?

@Garbonza I've heard Americans call Australia 'socialist' because it has a free health system. To my mind, we are so right wing, we might as well be called mini USA. Free health system should be a human rights obligation.

@MsDemeanour It's amazing what economic and social rights are embodied in the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- but most countries including the US, UK, Australia and New Zealand seem to ignore most of them for even their own people. I think Americans cherish the status of being an independent republic (and think Canada, for example, is still a British colony because it still has the Queen's head on its money) but many don't seem to give a damn about the Constitution its based on -- or load the deck to stack the Supreme Court, misread the arms amendment of the Constitution, and on and on... and a sizable minority love the two-fisted Donald Trump winner-take-all and scorched-earth mentality.

@Garbonza It is true that UN's Declaration of Human Rights is largely ignored by USA UK and Australia. Canada and NZ I had invested greater hope in,

USA is a unique republic and I can't begin to understand their mindset except perhaps the answer is found in how insular and yes I agree 'ignorant' the people have been and some still are. This site, however, has been tremendous in helping me reframe my stereotypes.

When we(Australia) does become a republic (hopefully sooner than later) I like to think we can come up with a better model than USA.

@MsDemeanour Yes, the USA is a unique conception and model. Other countries have not much to crow about, though it's sobering how much flack I have to listen to from Kiwis -- who often suffer from morally-superior-little-country syndrome and whose main concern mostly is staying on the good side of China or whoever the dominant trading partner of the moment happens to be.

@Garbonza Well I'd be interested in your views on NZ. My best friend is kiwi and we have the usual banter. Some aussies hate kiwis cos so many come over here and say how great home is. I love the generosity of kiwis in helping people out in practical ways but theyre tight with their money. A couple of nice stereotypes for you.

@MsDemeanour I'd have to send you my book {"Strangers In Our Own Lands" by G.A. De Forest) to give the full story -- Yank kids ripped from our bosom in 1960 by our even-more-reluctantly-returning Auckland-born mother, and transported back in time to a South Seas English boarding school. Well, as far as being tight I suppose we're conscious of the always disadvantageous conversion rate when we go there. And, anyway I think Oz wages average 35% higher than in NZ. 59 years of defensive superiority complex can be grating. But I think my Sth African friends here are affected most because they're walking bulls-eyes whenever there's a rugby or cricket match on. Besides, did you know NZ never had a colour bar, so they say? My grandmother's grandmother's father was an Irish convict who came from Sydney to be an NZ whaler in 1831 -- a decade before "The First Ships" (of English toffs) arrived here. One more thing I've debunked in my book, yet the myth of NZ founded by upper-crust moral types vs Aussie by prisoners never gets tired.


I'm really surprised Bernie and friends (and now the media across the board) use the term "democratic socialism" rather than "social democracy", which is the usual phrase in Europe. Especially considering that any kind of "socialism" in the States is bound to give a lot of people the skitters and set back the number of votes from the outset.

Garbonza Level 6 Nov 26, 2019

Yes, I wondered if Bernie's choice of "democratic socialism" could cause a more inflammatory reaction by conservatives. But I guess many people do not perceive any difference between the two names.

@AnonySchmoose Sanders probably wanted to emphasise the difference between most Democrats, who let's face it are usually just slightly left of the Republicans. Anyway the video provides hope for the future. I'm so glad.


I agree ... it's unfortunate that many Democrats are quite like Republicans.

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