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Senator Introduces to Crack Down on Fake Meat Labeling

As more plant-based protein products like the Impossible Burger and Beyond Meats make their way onto store shelves and restaurant menus, US senator and cattle rancher Deb Fischer (R-NE) is taking action against these “fake food fads” by introducing “The Real MEAT Act,” which she claims will end the “deceptive labeling” on these “fake meat products.”

Thank you Senator Fischer, for protecting us against this insidious and horrific vegetarian threat to our country’s well-being. And, just for the record, I’m sure the fact you’re a cattle rancher - has absolutely nothing to do with your stance on the issue.

Oh sure, some are gonna argue that the label plainly says in bold letters "burger made from plants,” but that conveniently doesn’t take into account that reading product labels really isn’t one of your typical Trump supporter’s strong suits - not that those folks would even understand what the hell those labels say anyway.

Frankly, I shudder to think how many loyal Trump supporters, hoping to spike their cholesterol levels and ingest more unnecessary antibiotics, were unable to do so because they were deceived into buying a healthier plant-based protein. Thank goodness there still are Republicans around to rectify this kind of injustice!


johnnyrobish 8 Dec 22
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There is almost no reason to reply to insanity ( look at the response that my comment generated ) . It's the Exact same Son of a Bitches who are supporting this Orange Communist Treasonous Shit Stain through this IMPEACHMENT . Enjoy !

GEGR Level 7 Dec 23, 2019

What in the hell is wrong with requiring food to be labeled as what it actually is. Most people prefer real beef over fake beef products. Cattle are one of the few critters out there who can convert grass and other forages into something that is delicious and edible for us humans.

Trajan61 Level 8 Dec 23, 2019

My point is - if you can't tell something that's plainly labeled "veggie burger" or "plant burger" or "meatless burger" is not actually red meat, then your problems are likely beyond issues of labeling. The same can be said with items things like "Almond Milk, Soy Milk, etc." I personally don't care how much red meat you or anyone consumes, I just think this proposed law is stupid.


You’re so cynical to think her cattle business has anything to do with this. And also, you’re spot on!

Bobbyzen Level 8 Dec 23, 2019

Perhaps this would have been better suited for the 'Comedy' page.. even though it really isn't very funny.. 👎😑🙄
Okay, In fairness, I should be more specific I guess.. I see the Irony intended here, and yes, there is a level of 'funny' involved. But it worries me that there are folks out there that will read it and say "YEAH,,, those damn Trump supporters are the problem"... 😣😏 They don't get the stupidity of the premise. pffft.. I sit corrected..


But, it is ok to run your car on corn (which, if the engines aren't manufactured correctly- ours aren't- will slowly do damage).

There is also a movement to get Soy / Almond milk out and away from milk.


The Madness of Republiturds .... You had better get out there and Vote !

GEGR Level 7 Dec 23, 2019

Soooo,,, you actually think this is real? 😂🤣

The looney liberals are the ones who don’t have any sense.


When I first heard hard right-wingers were behind these new "anti-veggie alternative" laws, I did a poll on Twitter to rename plant-based "burgers" with standard company names like "Patties" or "Grillers", and one of the choices being "Vegetable Abortions", of course everyone chose the joke answer, so it easily won, and when I announced it the winner I added the tagline "Mmmm Mmmm, that's good abortion"! The anti-choice conservatives heads were exploding left and right! LOL!



bobwjr Level 10 Dec 23, 2019
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