Socialist Equality Party candidate for US president
If the majority of Americans fear, misinterpret and fail to comprehend Bernie Sanders pseudo-socialism how can you expect Americans to go full tilt and respect this POV?
The working class open up to different ideas in a revolutionary epoch, one example the Bolshevik revolution 1917
@Ian-Duggan I'm hoping that this revolution is more like a peaceful "evolution"..we are, after all...mostly socialist already...
The Democratic party, one of the oldest bourgeois parties in the world is thoroughly capitalist besides reform isn't possible the billionaires won't allow it. After 8 years of Obama a president that talked about "hope" and "change" yet bailed out the banks and bombed 8muslim countries now he's got a couple of 100 million for serving the elite and the workers were screwed. To me it's more important to find out which class a party serves rather than listening to their pseudo left phraseology, anyone can claim they're a socialist.
If anyone is interested in Trotskyism this is the party that didn't revise his theories to head a petty bourgeois tendency. Trotsky founded the 4th international in 1938, then in 1953 Cannon founded the International Committee of the Fourth International to fight against Pabloism which was the revision of Trotskyism to liquidate the 4th international into Stalinist, Petty bourgeois nationalist and social democratic parties. The Pabloites claimed we'd have a couple of 100 years of Stalinism which would lead to socialism that is to say Stalinism is progressive. We're not a new party yes we changed our name to Socialist Equality Party but we're the ICFI party. Trotsky himself stated that if the USSR keeps degenerating it will end back up capitalist history has vindicated Trotsky's ideas.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s the only way…
Posted by HippieChick58Donnie thinks he had every right to interfere with the 2020 election
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyCorporate greed!
Posted by KilltheskyfairyCorporate greed!