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Just saw a horrendous interview on CNN by Christane Amanpour of Heidi Heitkamp, former Democrat Senator for Nth Dakota. Heitkamp is in the UK trying to promote... something that sounds very unsavoury. The first time Amanpour brought up poll leader Sanders (and lumped Warren in with him), Heitkamp said "It's not about medicare for all, it's about who will beat Trump." The second time Amanpour brought up Sanders (and Warren), Heitkamp says, "You know, I think something more interesting is that Blumberg has ideas on how to beat Trump"... The third thing she said that I noted was that "people in Pennsylvania and Ohio" are very dependent on jobs providing low-cost natural gas, and that there is "a misplaced concern for the environment." I bet the Democrat National Committee is just filled to the brim with people like her.

Garbonza 6 Jan 27
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What was so terrible about what Heitcamp said? Was it so horrible that she likes Buttigieg over Warren and Bernie? Is it not true that Democratic voters are desperate to choose a candidate who can beat Trump? It is true that Bernie will evaporate against Trump in the first debate... most likely have a second heart attack on stage. We cannot villainize someone just because he or she has an opinion that is different than ours. What business does Amanpour have in persistently as about Bernie? Why not ask a general question about democratic candidates? Is that independent journalism?

We have to get off this phony Bernie bandwagon everywhere. He will not be president.

St-Sinner Level 9 Jan 28, 2020

Amanpour asked Heitkamp direct questions about the emergent success of Bernie (with Warren as an add-on on the progressive side of the Dems) -- how he has pulled ahead in the polls recently -- and she not only fudged every valid question but deliberately switched it round against the anti-progressive thrust in favor of Blumberg. I can draw my own conclusions from this. Don't know Heitkamp's politics, but she's certainly as evasive of questions as Republicans are, and seemingly just about as supportive of Blumberg as Republicans are too. When people show you who they are -- in Blumberg's case a buyer of elections -- believe them. Incidentally, I believe Bernie would demolish Trump in any open debate, and Trump would be left with his base offering him a sympathy vote for being "picked on" yet again. We have got to get off this transparently billionaire-oriented Blumberg bandwagon. (How many heart attacks has he had, btw?)


#1. I'm not sure I see what's so "horrendous" about her POV

#2. Sanders is rising....but is still in 2nd place behind Joe. Bloomberg has now passed Buttigieg and Klobuchar to move in to 4th he's a rising star.

we need to wait until Iowa and New Hampshire before we suggest any of these folk "bow out"...but it looks like Amy and Pete are stagnating...


Robecology Level 9 Jan 28, 2020

Just seems strange for a Democrat to be not only evading questions about fellow Dems, but actively putting them down to a foreign audience, all while openly siding with the billionaire class and against progressive environmental policies. A "rising star" who avoided the hard yards of campaigning and actually letting his policies be known, but has spent how many millions on himself already? In the writing game we call that a vanity promotion. I'll withhold final judgment to see how much of his billion he saves to spend on the winning candidate, if anything.

@Garbonza Who are you referring to Blumberg (Bloomberg)? Sanders?


She is not typical really almost a Republican

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 28, 2020

That’s a Blue dog for you.

It's Yellow Dog Dem..not Blue..just sayin

@Charlene Well I’ve always known the yellow dogs to be totally democratic and will vote for a Democrat no matter what, but a blue dog is a conservative Democrat and that’s what Heitkamp is.

@Redheadedgammy my understanding was vis-a-versa.. colloquial usage maybe?

@Charlene maybe it’s just a Texas thing. Since I’ve lived here (since 1982) that is how yellow dog Democrats and blue dog Democrats have been described. Probably not the same in other areas of the Country.😘


You know Heitkamp has been rated more conservative than Susan Collins. She is one of seven kids of a Catholic family with a school janitor dad and school cook mom. She sided with Trump 68%.


Not quite but there are some

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 27, 2020
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