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Trump Homeland Security Chief Stumbles Over Basic Coronavirus Questions

Acting Homeland Security chief Chad Wolf appeared painfully uninformed during harsh questioning by Republican Sen. John Kennedy about the Trump administration’s preparations for a coronavirus response - with Kennedy even reminding Wolf that ”you’re supposed to be in charge of protecting us.”

Hey! How about cutting the poor guy some slack? After all, he’s only the "acting Homeland Security Director.” He’s only “acting” as if he knows the job!

Besides, what’s the big deal anyway? I mean, didn’t the President just assure us all last week, that this virus is gonna die out in another 5 or 6 weeks?

Just ask yourself - if the coronavirus were really the serious threat that these medical experts claim it is, would President Trump and the Republicans have made the huge cuts to the CDC budget that they just did?


johnnyrobish 8 Feb 25
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Too bad the virus can't be spread by shaking hands!!!

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 26, 2020

Trump's unconcerned POV is normally a wise thing...just not wise for a POTUS. He should be more comforting and assertive - even if he's lying...which apparently he's not good at.

And - hate to admit this - but Rush Limbaugh's right...the common cold is one of many Coronaviruses.

Here's the basics; and yes; we should wash our hands and avoid crowds...but no...we shouldn't withdraw money from growing stocks.

What are coronaviruses?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can infect humans or animals.

Sometimes an animal coronavirus can change so that it can infect people and become a human coronavirus.

There are seven known types of human coronaviruses. Four types (229E, NL63, OC43, and KHU1) are common and cause mild to moderate respiratory infections, like the common cold.

Two types, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), can cause severe respiratory infections. The seventh type (2019-nCoV) is a new coronavirus recently discovered in China. Public health officials are trying to learn more about this new virus and the infection it causes.

Robecology Level 9 Feb 26, 2020

I watched that idiot try to sound intelligent. He failed miserably! Putin must be so happy how his puppet trump is destroying our Government for him!


Sarcastic wit... I like it 😊😂😂


Like the rest of his staff incompetent moron

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 26, 2020
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