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Trump Made No Plans for Administering COVID Vaccine As Americans Died

As many millions of Americans wonder why they are unable to get COVID vaccinations, they really need to look no further than former President Donald Trump and his administration. It’s being reported that even as the coronavirus tore its way throughout the land, well on its way to killing nearly a half-million Americans, Donald Trump never even bothered to develop a workable vaccine distribution plan for the nation.

Well, to be completely fair, Trump was rather preoccupied with other really pressing matters - such as his own re-election. After all, there are only so many hours in the day, and when most of those are taken up with watching One America News (OAN), Newsmax, and Fox News - who the hell has time for planning vaccine distributions? Hell, no one likes getting shots anyway! What’s the big deal? Besides, those blue states that voted against him needed to be taught a lesson. And the red states? Well, they’re simply too dumb to understand what’s going on anyway.

Of course, not all of Mr. Trump’s time was taken up by election scheming, planning an insurrection, or watching cable news. There were also lots of golf outings, tweeting, and passing out Medal of Freedom awards to people who frequently said nice things about him. You know, I hate to say it, but maybe Trump just didn’t hire the right people. The fact is, as far as I can tell, about the only person Donald Trump ever hired who actually knew what the hell she was doing - was Stormy Daniels.


johnnyrobish 8 Jan 28
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Wanna bet he planned for his buddies to get it

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 31, 2021

Republicans say the government doesn’t work and then get in office to prove it. Trump’s ineptitude in this area was by design. He certainly knew how to put people in place that would completely fuck up any good the government does while helping their cronies.


Nailed it.

freeofgod Level 8 Jan 29, 2021

Thanks my friend!


Great punch line.

I appreciate it!

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