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Have yall seen this conservative atheist group on here? Strange. Why would anyone be conservative without being religious?

inigomontoya 6 Aug 20
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Why do most of you find it acceptable to kick sand in other peoples eyes because they don't have your opinions? It's a testament to your character no matter if you sit on the left, right or in the middle and it shows just how "bigoted" YOU ARE.

Mkay... hahaha. So you are labelling me a “bigot” for asking the question? Right! gotcha. Good role modeling on not being prejudiced. great job Ms Snowflake ❄️



Are they trolls?


Umm, people can be diverse.

Like no need to put people in unneeded boxes, and just assume everything about anyone or group. Things are or things aren't if they are a conservative who dosen't believe. Then that's it, maybe they dislike some consecrative polices while liking others..

Ello Level 6 Aug 20, 2021

I actually joined for a couple of days, thinking I'd find some small "c" conservatives. Not changing when you lack any evidence on which to proceed is valid for virtually any decision. They were celebrating Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem which fulfilled "historical precedent" i.e biblical prophecy with no pushback at all. Ammosexuals and maga cultist (maggots) are an embarrassment to reasoned conservatives. Which is why George Will and senior left, when you see the smart people running an intelligent conservative would run too.

Buttercup Level 8 Aug 20, 2021

Why would being a conservative have any thing to do with belief or non belief .

biguy12 Level 6 Aug 20, 2021

A huge part of being conservative is being bigoted, and that is nearly always religion's territory.

@racocn8 The definition of bigoted is obstinately or unreasonable attached to an opinion or faction.I have seen this in the comments and posts of liberals and atheists just as much as the conservatives on this site .

@biguy12 The key word in your response is ' unreasonable. ' If you believe conservatives are reasonable, and that liberals are unreasonable, then you have some work to do.


You COULD like, ask them ...

The-Krzyz Level 8 Aug 20, 2021

By their words ye shall know them


Thin skinned to boot.... Contradict them in any manner and they block you... Not the brightest bulbs on the tree!!


It's a mystery to me too, but there are a considerable number of them on here and elsewhere.

Theresa_N Level 8 Aug 20, 2021
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