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Yes, please!

Killtheskyfairy 9 Nov 6
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That's why I'll never "Join" a political party.
It's like saying this small set of issues are all I give a "F" about, and I feel like I'm betraying everyone that shares my view about other issues.
There can't be a purity test, or people that "can see the future" by any number of preposterous claims are likely to turn the party into a cult.
The latest example is Fundamentalist Christians and the Republican party but it has happened many times before, once by a party that actually called themselves the "know nothings" so competence is certainly not a critical requirement for leadership which means they have no leadership skills beyond instigating riots and creating an angry mob of what would have otherwise been a group of rational people.
The Democratic Party monopoly should be broken up into all the constituent parts under lose affiliation, still as Democrats just to isolate the Republicans as much as possible, this is happening naturally now when we talk about Progressives and Moderate Democrats. I think those sub headings should be further empowered. Unfortunately it's an involved process that creates lots of delay in legislation, but all good legislation should be probed for flaws like an autopsy, the down side is the superficiality of the people that tend to get elected to office. Like the Republican Gov of Texas that's going to stop rape, so women can't use rape as an excuse to get an abortion. Talk about delusional. But beyond that hubris the road to hell is paved with good intentions, like the three strikes law that overstuffed our Californian prisons. It was sold as a way to rid ourselves of criminals that commit three violent crimes. I kept asking what crimes are violent, how is that entered into their record? I mean I could understand it if a judge or a panel examined the crime and checked a box by "Violent Crime" but the verbiage in the bill clearly stated three felonies. Like missing a parole meeting is a felony, having even marijuana residue when on probation also a felony. Once you have a felony on your record and still have to check in for parole you have literally hundreds of new ways to commit felonies, many of which you probably aren't aware of. I argued and tried to explain the problem to people but it passed with a huge majority of the popular vote. Now it's known for it's flaws and cleaning up will not be complete in many of the lives directly ruined by that stupid law.
I just wish more law makers had the humility to listen to qualified experts instead of arrogantly dismissing all rational solutions by simply criminalizing the problems they aren't qualified to have an opinion on.

I totally agree with you. The problem is that you are smart and everyone else has invested in stupid, therefore you have no chance.

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