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I'm wondering if the biggest difference between the original/originary fascist movements of the 1920s through the '40s and the C21 fascism personified by trump, Bolsonaro, Orban et. al. is the utter nihilism of the latter. Italian and German fascism wanted to destroy democracy and the rights of man articulated by thinkers of the Enlightenment, along with certain populations they considered inconvenient and/or subhuman, plus any notion of truth informed by sense, intelligence, science, or reality. The modern heirs of C20 fascism want to do all of that and much, much more—for them it's not only about destroying disliked populations; it's about destroying the planet as a place hospitable to humans, including the trumpites themselves. Their suicidal-as-well-as-homicidal nature is also visible in the overlap between the trump movement and the anti-vax/anti-mask movement. What to do? Damned if I know, they're hard to reach. It's probably best, though, to act as if we're not completely fucked, in spite of whatever intuition one might have that we are.

AlanCliffe 7 Feb 20
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I don't think they're trying to destroy the planet and mankind. I just think they're that stupid. They have such distrust of liberals and science they probably think every doomsday scenario is fake and designed to take away their freedom.

But we are fucked. In so many ways. We're staring down the barrel of a global collapse of democracy (including the US) and the long held practice that advanced liberal democracies don't attack each other. And along with that, apocalyptic disasters resulting from climate change. You can already see the start of it. Once-in-a-century events happening at exponentially shorter intervals, more powerful storms, etc. Thawing permafrost that is creating its own global warming positive feedback loop. The Thwaites "doomsday" glacier ticking away. We're going to see mass migration, starvation, booming disease vectors.

And people are still having children. I don't understand that AT ALL.

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