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Ukraine war veterans on how Kiev plundered US aid, wasted soldiers, endangered civilians, and lost the war

“The weapons are stolen, the humanitarian aid is stolen, and we have no idea where the billions sent to this country have gone,”


{Before the war started, Andrey spent several years reporting on corruption and crooked politicians in Ukraine. After an investigation into a government official in Odessa resulted in death threats against his wife and young daughter, Andrey sent them to live with relatives in France. “Ukraine is a democracy, right? So the government won’t press on you in an official way. First, you get phone calls warning you to stop. Then, they offer you money to stop. And then, if you refuse to be bought, you should be prepared for an attack.

“Real journalism is dangerous here,” he continued. “You see, since the war started, we have these new star reporters, and every day, they write that ‘Putin is bad, the Russian soldiers behave very badly…today, the Ukrainian army killed 1,000 Russians and destroyed 500 Russian tanks.’ They get a million followers on Twitter because they lie, and this isn’t real reporting. But if you write about the corruption in the Armed Forces, and have real examples…you won’t be famous, and you’ll be in trouble.”}

This apparently would be soon after 2014 , April I believe, when Azov invaded Odessa and opened fire on innocent civilians and police without any serious provocation. April is when the order came down from Kiev giving Azov and the Ukrainian army to basically just kill the "terrorist Russian ethnic" population. The same scenario played out in Mariupol also. In which that Mayor also was supporting Kiev agendas. In both cases and other towns and villages, Kiev forces spent the next 8 years digging in for a war where the military essentially ransacked the cities killing at will and plundering markets, malls, and businesses. Forcing people from their homes, either into basements of or herding them into basements of large buildings as they set up positions in those homes and buildings to use them as human shields when the local militias came to defend them, and then after Russia came to their aid.

{“I have worked with about a dozen journalists from different countries in Europe,” he said. “All of them have been shocked. They left Ukraine shocked. They said they could not believe the situation here. But this shock did not make it into any of their articles about the war. Their articles said that Ukraine is on the road to victory, which is not true.”}

The truth will not be tolerated!

{A former US serviceman who goes by the moniker “Benjamin Velcro” was a volunteer fighter for the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ official unit for foreign volunteers. He spent five months in various parts of Ukraine, and says that soldiers being stationed in civilian areas was a common occurrence.

“Whenever I hear that Russia bombed a school, I just kinda shrug,” the American foreign fighter said. “Because I garrisoned inside a school. That’s a fact. The school didn’t have kids in it, so it’s not like they were endangering children. So all it takes is for Ukraine to say, ‘Ah! They hit a school!’ And that cumulates into an easy media narrative on their part.”}

William_Mary 8 Sep 4
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This is background information on your source site - thegreyzone…...
….to say it’s an unreliable source would be an understatement, more like a tool of Putin’s disinformation machine in fact!

I wouldn't aspect anything other from Tom Scott. He's seemingly a bag of mixed confusion when you apply critical thinking to his work. Which by the way part of is doing exactly what he claims he does, as the journalist for The Grayzone, challenge the west narratives.

He also was a Green Party candidate in which if you've closely followed the Green Party's of Europe and Australia, you might find that they have all essentially betrayed their spoken agendas to collaborated with policies of other party's to diminish those spoken agendas, exposing themselves as the frauds they are. He even went as far as to attack Jill Stein for her exemplary means of displaying his own claims. Obviously, in part of, falling for the false narrative rhetoric of her 2016 presidential run that was also partly based on Putin. With that pointed out, are the pieces beginning to fall together for you now?

How does one claim to be a champion of truth while he obviously has an agenda to turn you away from information that the other side has a right to expose? He's essentially telling you you're to stupid to weigh the information out for yourself while doing it. And stupid is those who fall for it denying themselves a means to manage their own clarity.

The articular I posted has no biased nature in it. Nor do the journalist attempt to challenge any of the Ukrainians soldiers narratives in regards to conditions of accomplishments within the war that would indicate a biasness for Russia. They simply gave his report on conditions and discoveries he was voicing along with other discoveries in the region as further potentials of support. Which I added my own support from observing numerous documentaries, especially one on the opening of the war when Kiev attacked innocent unarmed civilians and a police station in Odessa.

You might want to question why Scott is so adamant on his collaborate agenda to attack Putin, Russia, RT, any Russian news or other outlet that attempts to expose any aspect of the other SIDES of the story. As he obviously believes or attempts to stage that his fellow worldly humans don't have the intelligence to sorts facts out themselves. This isn't a practice of fighting western propaganda as he claims he does. Unless you've fallen into his trap that he's a prophet to be our savior.

Bag of confusion ---- []

Any critical thinking person outside of indoctrination can observe the list of articles here by Scott and discover his fraud simply by the headlines. The first one to stand out screaming of absurdity is at the top in the middle as the narrative of fascism stands out. It's a rather confusing article in regards to Scott's ability to correlate it with European actions and at the same time use disinformation to relate it to Putin and his Donbass operations. Firstly, I quite frankly, claim that colonialism is the mother of fascism. So I have the same sense of it being embedded in centuries of European world dominance that the US government is also guilty of, along with all collaborating countries of this world allied structure. In my opinion, Scott is either purposely misguiding people of what fascism is on a clarity bases, and he is misguiding people from the reality of Putin's agenda in the Donbass regions. Attempting to erase the fascist nature of Ukraine's history going back to at least WWll, especially what was installed in 2014 with the help of western governments, primarily the US. It's totally absurd to label Putin or the Russian society as being fascist. And there's plenty of evidence that has been exposing the truth of Ukraine's fascist nature since Putin began his operations in the Donbass regions. Anyone not waking up to this by now is due to the works of people like Tom Scott and MSCMs who are owned by the fascist international ruling class.

"It’s easy to see how Putin’s genocidal regime" That statement quite frankly is criminal as being put on the world stage. Ukraine and Azov were waging a genocidal campaign on the people of the Donbass regions for 8 years before Putin invaded the regions to defend them. And Kiev is still ordering or allowing their forces to shell and bomb civilian targets today that have no military presence of positions. Quite frankly, I could understand how some American's are still engulfed in this indoctrination, as I find my fellow American's are the most indoctrinated society on the planet, but from a European, it indicates to me one must have another agenda to challenge an unbiased post and attempt to deflect me towards a POS collaborator in western propaganda. He's quite brilliant at it though. He highly resembles The Guardian who has been tied to intelligence agencies and think tank groups. By none other than the Grayzone. Along with other sources of mine.

😟 [] 😟

Another disgusting display of disinformation. While he challenges the failures of the EU for not providing escape routes from the war, he fails to disclose how the EU and US created the war they wanted when they overthrew a democratically elected government in 2014. They got what they wanted and Scott knows this all to well. And now he's using it to benefit them while spreading mis/disinformation. It's criminal, just like these governments.

This was the beginning of the operations as Putin brilliantly made it appear he was going into Kiev. The goal was to force Kiev into keeping reinforcement forces out of the Donbass regions while the untied local militias, Chechens, and foreign volunteers began cleaning out Azov and Ukrainian forces in those regions backed up by Russian forces. If Putin went into Ukraine like western governments, most of Ukraine would be a wasteland by now. Especially Kiev. But he doesn't operate like western governments.

Maybe Scott will do an article on how poorly those who managed to get from Ukraine are being treated in European countries. That is of course those from central and western Ukraine. Where the war never really reached. Ukraine managed to toss millions out of the country they no longer have to support while dumping them onto other countries that today don't want them or want to employ them. Many are being tossed out onto the streets, work for slave wages if they are employed. And Poland hasn't forgotten what their fascist nationalist did to them during WWll. New calls for reparations have been resurfacing as the last time Poland was forced by NATO to keep quiet for the sake of the wars facade.

And maybe one on how, as the article above partially exposes, the evaporation of funding and weapons not making it to the front and being sold on line. I'd like to see an article of opposing views from him explaining off what's been in independent news for months now by some of the most experienced X intelligence agents and politicians around the world who are concerned about where they're going to and who's making the money from them. Hell, our US military and DOD has even admitted they don't know where these weapons are going!!! There's no fucking accountability!!!

I'm fairly certain Tom Scott won't go that far into his fake challenging of the west though. That would have the potential of him ending up on Kiev's hit list. Have you heard about that yet. Democracy in Ukraine? How does that work after Zenlensky banned the 12 parties who would be challenging him? And manufactured crimes out of thin air to arrest and suppress favorable candidates that would.

Tom Scott in Europe is what our partisan MSCMs are to us in the US all rolled up in one person. Gaslighting propaganda towards indoctrination that has no genuine agenda to confront the real problems. The ending result is beneficial only to the ruling class while he creates confusion and chaos in society.

@William_Mary Good try, but I’m not buying what your selling I’m afraid! Shall we just agree that we each prefer to believe our sources are nearer to the truth?

@Marionville what we see depends on what we mainly look for. The perception management of others mainly drive what we see. Relying only on limited perceptions, one can be managed into a belief of illusions that have agendas attached to them. Failure to recognize the information warfare our societies are vastly under exacerbates delusional realities.

I presented history above in regards to Ukraine. You seemingly refuse to accept that history and or the chance to educate yourself on it. Tom Scott left history out of his equations of coverage. While I observe all sides of all issues. I'm not selling, I'm simply passing it around. What I'm passing around isn't that hard to find acknowledgement to.

What I mentioned did happen and no one can erase that from history. But only from their mind. If it ever managed to find that mind. If it didn't, truth never had a chance. The same scenario has been played out in countries around the world for basically the same agendas for decades. Quite frankly for centuries. If one is missing this fact of history it can only be because of managed truths.

Eventually the truth that various journalist and Putin have been attempting to bring to the world citizenship for over 8 years now will be exposed. And just like Iraq the world will discover we have again been conned into a war built on a web of lies and deceit of major proportions that is reaping harm on all societies around the world. When I told you so, once again as people like myself expose the truth, brings us no enjoyment.

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