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Moldova’s Survival Games------Moldovans torn between Russia and the West

A mirrored image of Ukraine is what you'll find here. Russia or the west, fake democracy within nationalist fascism, a bankrupt state with high unemployment under growing austerity measures, political and corruption scandals, EU status enforcement, conflict over languages within a multi culture citizenship, dissent against outside interference is suppressed and criminalized, along with mention of the Ukrainian operations against Nazi fascism, an army of NGO presence in the country, many linked to George Soros. WWll history is manipulated to erase Russia and glorify the west. With Soros out of the hat, the rest of the story comes from the people.

You can't have democracy when there's an agenda behind the curtain. Behind the curtain they find far away lands with evil intentions. The current president worked within an NGO and for the world bank. Essentially all opposition to her are under house arrest or on the run to avoid arrest stemming from manufactured crimes. Russian preferences seems to lead to collaboration? In other words. Democracy will not be tolerated. And US tax payers have forked over 263 million dollars to buy their compliance since the Russian operations.

As I stated before about these outside manufactured conditions, many immigrate to Russia, and or already working in Russia to survive, the youth inevitably leave.


Every year, about 3,000 people leave Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe. Inflation is off the charts, while wage and pensions aren’t keeping up. At the same time, Moldovans are at a crossroads over common national identity. While some eye closer relations with the EU and even unification with Romania, others risk being left out.

In June 2022, Moldova was granted EU candidate status. The country led by pro-Western President Maia Sandu enjoys financial support from the US and EU in humanitarian assistance and for economic development. ‘Decisions for Moldova aren’t made in Moldova,’ says former president of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin. Another former president, Igor Dodon, has been branded by the Sandu government as pro-Russian and placed under house arrest for alleged corruption and treason. In 30 years of its independence Moldova has had six heads of state and swayed between Russia and the West.

Moldova emerged as a result of the USSR collapse. As in other parts of the former Soviet Union, there was a rise in national consciousness. Unrecognized Transdniestrian Moldovan Republic, or Transnistria, that broke away from Moldova in the early 1990s remains a frozen conflict. Transnistria maintains a close relationship with Moscow and wants to hold to its multicultural identity. There’s also strong support for Russia among the Gagauz people in the country’s south.

Where’s Moldova heading - East or West? The documentary takes a closer look at the current situation. Former presidents Igor Dodon and Vladimir Voronin, as well as ordinary families talk about the future of their country.

William_Mary 8 Sep 17
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