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Death and capitalism: The Johannesburg fire and the case for expropriation

The deadly fire in Marshalltown, Johannesburg is a horrific social crime triggered by the deplorable conditions confronting billions of people around the world.


{In each instance, the criminal loss of life could have been prevented had the authorities directed even the slightest attention or resources toward the most basic needs of the world’s population. The ultimate responsibility for such deadly incidents lies in the hands of a parasitic ruling class that is strangling society and blocking the development of the human race.}

About a month ago there was a congressional hearing on UAPs/UFOs that went widely under the radar. Unfortunately, the hearing took the course towards only making an enemy out of any alien life form that is visiting our planet. Making sure that the context of whether our governments and corporations have successfully reverse engineered the technology of captured UFOs over the last century from the thought of the few who would find interest in the hearing. Undeniably though for us who are interested, know that there have been secret government investigations into UFOs for decades. We also know that inventors for over a century have all but managed to develop technologies that resemble what UFOs may consist of. I should say, managed to made these technologies public knowledge. There is a high degree of evidence that they have been purposely suppressed from the public. For it is now almost certainly a fact that technologies exist that could make life on this planet a hell of a lot better for the world society, in which conditions as in the article could easily be erased. The end of fossil fuels, hunger, and free power sources. So when the WSWS makes the statement of the ruling class being parasitic, take to consideration of who benefits from the current power structure the most. They control our governments and our medias. They have been sucking the life out of us on multiple realms. According to Dr Steven Greer, they are part of a black ops government that controls the suppression of this technology. None of his work was mentioned in the hearings. But he is the one who forced the hearing to take place. His film The Lost Century had to be confronted by those who are steering us back towards the dark ages. []

{Capitalism’s death march must be stopped in its tracks. The banks and major industries must be expropriated and placed under the democratic control of the working class, to be run for human need and not private profit. The vaults of the rich must be opened, and trillions in hoarded wealth put to public use. Mankind’s immense technological abilities must be harnessed not for war and profit but to provide critical services and information to the global working class, to facilitate the safe and free migration of peoples according to need and to reverse the impact of climate change.}

Immigration is not the problem it's made to be. It can be a benefit of the world society within a proper structured system. It's currently misused by the ruling class for their benefit, and misconstrued to fulfill an agenda towards a dividing political purpose to hide the social benefits it can provide.

William_Mary 8 Sep 3
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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