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Biden proclaims unlimited support for Israeli onslaught on Gaza

To assert that one is dealing with “pure evil” is to remove events from any rational analysis. In this Manichean world view, “evil” can only be addressed through elimination, extermination and killing.

Full of inflammatory references to the Israeli victims of the Palestinian incursion into territory illegally occupied by Israel, Biden did not make a single reference to the Palestinian victims of Israeli violence.

Over the past 75 years, countless tens of thousands of Palestinians have been massacred by Israeli troops and the fascist forces now represented in the Israeli government. None of these murders prompted condemnation by the United States, let alone a declaration that the Israeli perpetrators were the embodiment of “evil.”


100 years of fascist ideology on a people. Is a virtuality of backing a dog into a corner that you've been mistreating for years. Eventually, occasionally, that dog will come out of that corner and bite back. Having the power to contain it again to hand out more abuse isn't a sign of a justified reality. It's a sign that you're actually every bit of what you falsely claim what your victim is. And our western governments which support and fund this crime are the same type of criminals. What we're witnessing is the same historic recycling of fascism that happened over centuries under the term colonialism throughout the world. The European countries forcing their powers and crimes on others while pillaging their resources. In this case it has been primarily within decades of stealing a people's land. Largely by the then most powerful of them, England. Who several decades ago helped the Zionist begin this ongoing genocide campaign approximately 100 years ago. Today the US is the primary strong arm of the ruling elite's genocide campaigns waged around the world. Ask Ukraine how that works currently. 20 years of it in the Middle East. And they used our families to get it done.

{Biden simply ignored the entire antecedent history of the present conflict. The United Nations has condemned Israel for settling its population on illegally annexed Palestinian territory, for preventing Palestinians from traveling freely, and for the systematic use of murder, torture and indefinite detention as state policy.}

I imagine many may need a history lesson, a reminder if nothing else to void the false managed perception being projected, of nearly a century of the collaborate western backed genocide campaign that has been going on all this time. At the bottom you'll find a documentary of Abby Martin.

{Among the most shameful of Biden’s statements was his attempt to associate the resistance of the Palestinians against the Israeli apartheid regime with genocide of Europe’s Jews during the Holocaust. “This attack on Israel,” Biden said, “brought to the surface painful memories and scars left by a millennium of antisemitism and genocide.”

This is a total perversion of history. The Palestinians have no historical connection to the murderous anti-Jewish pogroms and antisemitism that form a critical part of European history. They played no role in the Holocaust.

During the Second World War, while Jews were being exterminated by the millions, the United States kept its borders closed. In 1939, the SS St. Louis, a ship carrying over 900 Jewish refugees, was turned away from the US and forced to return to Europe, an episode that was emblematic of US indifference to the persecution of Europe’s Jews.

Less than three weeks ago, the entire Canadian parliament, along with ambassadors and representatives from all the NATO countries, stood up and applauded Yaroslav Hunka, a veteran of the Ukrainian Waffen-SS, which was responsible for the massacre of Jews under the direction of Nazi Germany.

In concluding his remarks, Biden invoked “the Jewish and democratic state of Israel.” A Jewish and democratic state is a contradiction in terms. A state that is built on the basis of ethnic identity is inherently undemocratic. Moreover, it accepts entirely the position of Netanyahu and the Israeli political establishment that they represent the “Jewish people,” implicating the entire Israeli population in the crimes that are being carried out.

Biden concluded by saying, “Terrorists purposely targeted civilians and killed them. We uphold the laws of war.” What is Biden talking about? The only law upheld by the United States is the law of unrestrained imperialist violence and plunder.}

The Untold History of Palestine & Israel

Abby Martin’s on-the-ground investigation in Palestine, The Empire Files looks at the long history of Zionist colonization, expansion and expulsion of Palestine’s indigenous inhabitants.

Giving critical historical context the occupation today, this timeline explores the creation of the state of Israel and how it came to cover so much land since. From the early settlements, to the Nakba, to it’s conquest of the West Bank, Abby Martin reveals the brutally honest root of what is behind the so-called “Israel-Palestine conflict.”

William_Mary 8 Oct 11
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The creation of the state of Israel may have been a nice idea, possibly with the best of intentions. But Boy is it a lighted match on a pile of tinder, and we will all pay for it for possibly centuries. Everyone deserves to live in Peace and prosperity. I cannot condone acts such as October 7th, just like 9/11. But when they occur, we have to do an honest and thorough assessment of why they happen.

Israel has literally turned Gaza in to a prison, and left the residents with nothing to do but simmer in their anger.

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