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The mask slips for a moment and the true anti working class nature of the EU is revealed. It makes sense too why the ruling class owned media have never stopped demonising Brexit voters since the EU referendum.

Ellatynemouth 8 May 7
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Those of us who are further to the left than Jeremy Corbyn may well be hoping eventually for more than the current Labour party programme is offering, but at least it is a start. I share Corbyn's dislike of the EU, but it is an important trading partner for the UK and 'a' customs union in the future is an obvious necessity. Corbyn and the Left of the Labour Party would prefer to be out of the EU because we could then not only re-nationalise the infrastructure and the NHS, but also use the profitable parts of it to cross-subsidise the social structures, and essential industries, which is anathema to the EU. The Labour party is far from perfect but it is the best hope we have at the moment for improving the lives of millions of people trapped in low-wage jobs and sub-standard accommodation by the current regime.

CeliaVL Level 7 May 23, 2018

Corbyn right now would be a god send to the UK. Anything but the tories.


Corbyn wants to seek an appeasement with the EU

Ian-Duggan Level 7 May 12, 2018

I need to look into this. All I can say is Corbyn is not a threat to the establishment. He's a Democratic Socialist. He doesn't want to overthrow capitalism.

But he's still useful. 120,000 people have already died from austerity. If Labour win under Corbyn lives could be saved that would otherwise be lost under the Tories.

Building slowly is the key. I don't believe a global revolution can happen all at once.


Corbyn is not all powerful. He does not get to decide policy all the time.

This bashing of Corbyn is so typical of Trots. Trots never build anything.

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