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This is David North national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party in the US "this country is a social powderkeg"

Ian-Duggan 7 May 12
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This man's site is blacklisted by Google and Twitter! My goodness!

But he's a Trotskyist. I have no faith in Trotskyism.

We must be doing something right if large corporations want to censor us.

@Ian-Duggan the "ruling class" must be freaking out, as evidenced by the tech giants going after any group that opposes the militaristic, emperialistic policies of domination all over the world, and the systematic, deliberate transfer of wealth to the very top which has built up in the US since the early 1970's. Do they know, yet choose to ignore, the fact that the US is no longer #1 (assuming it ever was)? Or do these people really think this is "the greatest country in the world"?
I guess being an American must feel really great to those riding the wave of prosperity and extreme wealth enjoyed by the richest families for half a century. But the rest of us are getting screwed on so many levels in so many ways, and the worst part of it is most of us aren't even paying attention. Those who are paying attention, a small conglomeration of fairly smart, concerned and informed citizens and groups, can't seem to agree on how to change the course we're on. Even if they could, they must then fight against extremely wealthy corporations (Citizen's United), the billionaire class, powerful lobbying groups and a sociopathic narcissistic and pathologically insecure "president" who offends everyone but those who represent the core of his base every time his lips move.
Growing up, I was told we lived in the greatest country in the world, that every individual could choose his own destiny, we were "free" people.
I believed it for the most part, until I started 1st grade in 1970. I remember being increasingly aware of (and bothered by) news reporting about the Vietnam War, the struggle for human, civil and equal rights by Black citizens in the south (even after the constitution required it), the women's movement/sexual revolution, the Pill, Roe v Wade, Watergate, corruption, suppression of peaceful protest, and the ever-present (whether underlying or blatant) racism, sexism (and male domination) I saw, heard and experienced as a female in the south.
I come to the conclusion that what we have now, after 50 yrs of unbridled greed, rampant corruption, perpetual war, rising inequality, religious intolerance, sexism, bigotry, discrimination and systemic racism, is a failed experiment, a broken republic that can't be fixed. I never imagined I would feel such shame for "the greatest country in the world".

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