6 7

I agree with the post hat says Trump and the Republicans are merely symptoms of the r problem...
But that does not get them off the hook. The damage caused by these people has to be addressed. Trump needs to be impeached and the whole cabinet needs to be indicted for violating the laws, especially their treasonous behavior. The sad thing is that people still believe in the Trump lies and deceit. That is the scary part. We have to take back the Congress and see if these spineless Democrats take on the fight to bring Trump down to earth

KashFigueroa 6 May 29
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Reading the posts here is surely depressing to me. this is supposed to be progressives and socialists? you must be kidding. I do not think Democrats are the same as Republicans! Especially now there are a lot of very worthy candidates who care about the problems average Americans are facing and who are ready to fight for our rights to a more representative government that will support education, healthcare, a clean environment and safer gun laws.

Just because things are the worst they have ever been (under a totally Republican President, Congress and Senate!), that does not mean that all of our representatives and hopefuls should be painted with the same brush!

I agree that the money needs to be gotten out of politics - this is a problem that has led to the buying of politicians such as we have now - mostly the Repgnantcans supported by the likes of the NRA, the Koch brothers and big money corporations that have pushed the corruption to the current extent where they are not even trying to hide it.

TerriCity Level 7 June 4, 2018

It is my hope Trump does not start another war. My son already saw enough action in Iraq and I hope they cannot call him again. He is a ex-Marine. He got hurt in Iraq with a bomb that blew up close to him. Luckily he recovered 100%. He had other injuries too but not as bad as the bomb.


One comment. People including myself see the Democrats as spineless but the Republicans are as spineless as the Democrats. Not all Republicans support Trump 100% but they are afraid of speaking out in favor of the voters.

@Theskeptic I had mentioned that the Democrats are spineless. The Republicans are getting more and more spineless by the minute. They are afraid of speaking out for fear they will be ousted from the party.


The Democrats are a party of big business and are not in disagreement with Trump on the crack down on immigrants, reducing taxes for corporations and their owners or his warmongering although the dems would rather nuclear armed Russia was the target.

Ian-Duggan Level 7 May 29, 2018


The two-party system needs a third or a 4th party running in the elections. Sometimes it is very hard to figure out their differences. They, Republicans and Democrats, are the same, just that the Republicans shout louder than the Democrats. Otherwise, they both are in the pockets of Citicorp, Morgan-Chase and other big businesses

They are indeed. They talk softer than the Repubs but I agree with you that they are also a party of big business. They get donor money from the same people that bankroll the Repubs. It is total hypocrisy. But someone has to put Trump in place and back to earth.



I thought he was going to drain the swamp? haha!

you kiddin. He is making the swamp bigger and muddier


Ain't gonna happen. I can see the Orange One getting a second term!

Coldo Level 8 May 29, 2018

@Theskeptic Me to!

That would not surprise me, especially if he starts a war that he cannot stop. The banks will be happier watching the nation declining and they have all the cash.

@StubbedMitosis I am happy in Canada. The people are fine, there is very little crime. Young kids hang out real late and feel safe. I am raising a very pretty young woman and living in New York City was going to be a bit too challenging. For me the move to Canada from NYC was professional suicide but I have no regrets since my daughter is doing well/.

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