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I had finally gotten back on track after gaining back most of the weight I lost a couple of years ago. I was keeping track of calories, riding my bike every day and had established a strength training routine. Then Monday morning I was 3 miles into a ride when a truck pulled out from a stop sign and hit me- luckily not straight on, but he hit the front tire of my bike sending me crashing into the driver's side front quarter panel (leaving a decent size dent with my chest) and then to the ground with my bike. Somehow, I wasn't seriously hurt, just lots of scrapes and bruises. My bike wasn't so lucky. It'll be cheaper to buy a new one than repair it, but i won't be able to do that for a bit. I am going to have to find a new way to get some cardio in, but I'm glad to be alive!!

JonnaBononna 7 July 24
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Sorry to hear about your accident. Can you claim against the truck driver or his company ?.

Moravian Level 8 Oct 19, 2022

Yeah, I got a lawyer, but the max on insurance policy was $15,000, of which I got about $6500 after the lawyers got their cut and the doctors they sent me to were paid.

@JonnaBononna Better than nothing I suppose but the Insurance situation in some states is appalling. My partners sister who lives in Connecticut was hit head on by a drunk driver , her car was a write off and she is still suffering injuries from the crash. She did get a replacement car but because the drunk driver had basic insurance she got little else.


Still no bike and have started walking. I'm going to get some strength training started again, but upper body is still tough as I still have an injury from the accident- I have torn ligaments in my wrist. I only have Medicaid currently so I have to wait until February for an ortho appointment. Still dropping the pounds!


Glad to hear you are OK. Sorry about the bike.

EdEarl Level 8 July 24, 2020

Do jumping jacks..

Glad you're okay..


I've read that for every pound we gain, we need to grow 100 feet of capillaries. 10 pounds = 1000 feet, etc.


Robecology Level 9 July 24, 2020

It's not the's the intake.

We eat at least 3 times a day...exercise is just not as common, nor repetitive.

The trick is hunger....and eating less. Let a little hunger in to your life every day.

It's also a key to self control and self discipline...if you can tolerate a little hunger you'll lose the weight.

Gotta be tough living in New Orleans...great food temptations there! Good luck!

Robecology Level 9 July 24, 2020

I'm doing well on the intake, but the exercise is important too. I'll start the strength training again in a week or so. That is needed to build and tone muscle to avoid some of the inevitable sagging skin, and to help with metabolism and overcoming plateaus. The cardio keeps my heart strong and is good for emotional health as well.

@JonnaBononna Don't get me wrong. I support exercise; and have to do one huff-and-puff a day to feel decently...but it's just not ss consistent as our need to eat. Once you face that and get back on the weight-loss will feel much better. Been there....done that.

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Posted by OldMetalHeadThe hardest part for me is not falling back into old bad habits after meeting goals.

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