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I lost 40 pounds and gained it back after an injury. Now I am ready to get back on the healthy eating wagon and ride it like I stole it. I have tried Keto and lost 7 pounds and want to try it again. Wish me luck!

Blissfull 5 July 23
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I am also active on r/Keto on Reddit. Below is a copy/paste of a post that I made yesterday.

I was diagnosed as diabetic last December. I was prescribed two medications for it. That brought the total prescription medicines that I was taking every day up to seven. I was a walking drugstore. I started LCHF in February. By April, I was taken off one of the diabetes meds and one of my blood pressure meds was cut in half.

Things have kept getting better. I started walking in June and in the last two weeks I started to get light headed when getting up from my desk at work. Emailed my doctor yesterday morning about this. Yesterday afternoon he replied with telling me to stop taking two of my blood pressure meds.

All told I have now stopped taking five of the original seven meds!!! I am focusing only on the meds in this post, but SOOOO many other things have been positive outcomes of this way of eating.

Thank you to this group. KCKO!!!

Edit: Someone asked how he knew it was ok to drop the two meds. I am a data geek at work, so I love to graph results of different things. I have been tracking my blood sugar levels since April and my blood pressure readings since about mid-May. So I turned that data in to a graph and sent it to the doctor along with my request he review my medications because of feeling light headed at times.

Here is what I sent him.


boatdude87 Level 7 July 26, 2018

you know you can do it. go for it.

Rugglesby Level 8 July 25, 2018

Good luck. I hope you loose that 40 and don't come back again. 😉

EdEarl Level 8 July 24, 2018

I made paleo my lifestyle. It's not just a temporary thing. Good luck with your lifestyle change.

kensmile4u Level 8 July 23, 2018

Low Carb, High Fat has transformed my life. 65lbs lost, less blood pressure medicine, stopped all diabetes medicine, diabetes completely under control by diet alone, better vision, more energy, best shape I have been in since high school. I wish you the best of luck and much success. Reach out if you need support or have questions. Be well.

boatdude87 Level 7 July 23, 2018
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