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This video ( reports on diet research spanning years. They found that there is no one perfect diet for everybody. In fact, they found the glycemic index of each food varied from person to person. Some people had a high glycemic index for ice cream, while others had a low glycemic index.

Low glycemic foods have low impact on blood serum glucose; whereas, high glycemic foods cause glucose spikes. For example, if you have a high glycemic response to ice cream, your blood sugar would peak after you eat ice cream. For example 30 minutes after eating ice cream your glucose is 200, instead of being normal about 100.

Glucose spikes first make you not hungry, then fall too far, and make your blood sugar low, which makes you hungry.

EdEarl 8 Sep 12
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I'm not being that person honest, but I truly don't do any "diet" and never did. I try to eat smart for my body.

Umbral Level 8 Sep 12, 2018

Great, you are lucky.

@EdEarl Sorry if I worded that wrong and came off as a know it all, or condescending

I mean no named diet per se. I of course follow a diet of my own design. Which undoubtedly is similar to named diets out there. I was trying to convey that doing what fits for you is what's important.

@MiltsterD I agree.


That's really interesting. It goes a long way towards explaining why different people lose different amounts of weight on the same diet, or don't lose at all.

CeliaVL Level 7 Sep 12, 2018

Yes, and why some people become diabetic.


im pretty sure the diabetic community have known this for years. We test our bloods regularly and there are real differences from eating the same amounts of food though this can depend on whether your still making some insulin naturally probably the same for everyone with no simple answer hey just like life😛

weeman Level 7 Sep 12, 2018

If it is known in the community, no one clued me in. I went to the standard diabetic classes, but they just teach the FDA approved diet, which was no help, and some people will be adversely affected on that diet.


Don't eat ice cream

OK, I"m allergic.

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