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16 Jan 2019 - Diet Diary

For anyone to share their diet day in a comment below.

Sometimes I'm late to make these, so please feel free to do so yourself. Just copy this preamble and change the date.

EdEarl 8 Jan 16
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The last few days were 1500 calorie days, instead of 1200. I'm starting to reenact old eating paradigms as my activity increases. 😟 Need to work on that, and get my food intake back into the 1200 range. The kitchen doesn't seem as far and as difficult to visit as it once did. The increased mobility is still from a wheelchair, but I'm in it more because it has become more comfortable. Moreover, it's easier to move from recliner to wheelchair. I must visit doctors soon; six month visits. I hope the gov't shutdown doesn't affect my billing.

EdEarl Level 8 Jan 16, 2019

Good luck with your efforts and with your billing. Glad to hear your mobility os increasing, even if it does bring increased challenges. That accessibility thing can be a big factor. That is why there are some things that I stash in the basement freezer, like the remaining Xmas goodies. Although it isn't hard for me to get down there, i am less inclined to get into them when i have to "plan" to walk down there and dig them out.

I also stash stuff that is real easy to get carried away with, like trail mix, in the spare room which is closed up.. Not hard to access but if those things are out of sight, I do better with leaving them alone.
A better solution would be just not have these things around but I'm not willing to give them up completely. As long as I can control their consumption pretty well, I will probably continue to have some of these restricted intake "goodies" around.
Hope your next doctor's appointment goes well.

@DotLewis My health is good, just concerned about shutdown.
Not eating goodies is part of living. I can avoid junk. It's the good food that calls.

@EdEarl Good to hear your health is good. Fighting with mine a bit right now but doc will start me on a calcium channel blocker as soon as the meds get here. Hope to calm the B P spikes.

I have some "junk food" around but my worst challenge is not "bad" stuff but things like nuts, peanuts and dried fruit. A "serving" is so small and if I'm inattentive or distressed, a snack grab can easily turn into a snack fest. Wednesday night turned into one of those. Returned from eye treatment, tired, eye hurt, annoyed at my son.... all combined and culminated in a fest. Today was better.

@DotLewis Life gets in the way of living, sometimes.

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