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9 April 2019 - NOOOOO! Blizzard warning out for tomorrow night into Friday. Freezing temps for 3 nights or more. What is wrong with "we had winter, now we are having spring, soon we will have summer"? Mother Nature is getting psychotic. I warned people (all religious people) at exercise class last week that "We are nothing more than a knat on Mother Nature's face and she can smack us down any time she likes, and she is going to!" One snickered, another just looked confused/concerned. Oh well, they always have "thoughts and prayers" to fall back on.

Today, worked outside a little, prepping garden. OH, OH, OH! I have little squash seedlings popping up. So cool. Now to keep them from getting all leggy and spindly until time to transplant. Worked inside on putting things in place so I can start the floor. I think the floor is intimidating me, it should not be taking me this many days to start putting it down. Today I did finally get things so I can get the plywood out but by then it was late to drag it outside to cut to fit. Thought about where I will put the stove when I pull it out and decided that needed to wait until I have cut the plywood because once I pull it out, there will be no stove use until I have the plywood and tiles down. Not to mention, there is limited space in the kitchen/dining room so getting around the stove is not going to be fun. OK, now I know why it is taking so long. Just have to leap into it I guess.

Kept intake today under 1050 which is good, even though I had a little weight bounce today. Not unexpected, even when I was losing pretty consistently, there would be bounces every few days. Usually those return to the low point in a short time so persistence is the key. I WILL get there!!

DotLewis 7 Apr 10
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You will get there indeed. Your weather sounds quite hard to live with. It'time to be getting on with spring planti Ng, though I suppose not in the snowy north.Getting your floor do e sounds quite a big project - no wonder you are putting off getting down to it. Having seen what you have achieved so far though, I am sure you will get on and do it and make a good job of it. It does me good to see you battling on!

CeliaVL Level 7 Apr 10, 2019

I was working on the spring planting thing, did some prep of spots for tomatoes, mixed in compost, got the water tubs ready to use and planted kale seeds. They will be fine, not sprouted yet and they can withstand quite a bit of cool. However, in my opinion this is purely ridiculous! It will be Sunday night before night temps will be above freezing again.

Worked on the floor today, oh my! It is proving to be quite the project for sure. Called an expert (teaches construction at a tech college) and it didn't make the job easier but did get me going the right direction. I should spend a bit more time tonight working on it but not sure if I will, it is getting cool, it is freezing outside and my electric blanket is already getting warm. 🙂

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