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16 April 2019 - Diet Diary - More floor work! Who said this was an easy job? Technically, yes I get what needs to be done and how to do it but after a few hours on my hands and knees, sanding patches on the underlayment, I'm thinking, why did I think a floor was so great and idea. Well, as it works out, I took in 1400-1450 calories today so if I'm lucky all that sanding burned off part of those. Guess I'll see in a day or two.

Was OK until supper time. Was going to eat a salad but was visiting the neighbor and we had talked about having pizza and yesterday I bought a frozen one so had that for supper. After that, kind of had a nibble fest. Should have got out that bag of baby carrots as it seemed kind of like one of those just wanting to chew something nights. Of course, when those happen, the first thing in my mind isn't "baby carrots".

Tomorrow shall go better, salad for sure. Also, floor laying starts. I got reference lines on the floor tonight so I should be set to put down the first row. The fun of old houses, NOTHING in this house is actually square so, pick a wall and work from it as the opposite wall is probably not perfectly parallel to it. Hopefully, the lines will help me keep the tiles running with at least one wall.

DotLewis 7 Apr 17
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I think the non-square rooms problem is not just a feature of old houses.Evenodern ones seem to fi d it hard. I found the best way was to start from the most conspicuous corner to the least. If the overall trend is in the right direction, then one rather high day is not going to destroy all your hard work.

CeliaVL Level 7 Apr 17, 2019

Yeah, I'm resigned to working around the odd structures. The cabinets I put in the dining room have a lean of about an inch in 7 feet, toward the back. Before putting them up I thought maybe it would be good to check level on that wall and it was leaning, in sync with the bathroom wall. i decided the best option was to go with the wall, otherwise I would have cabinets that stood out from the wall at the top. I suppose at least some newer houses have the same issues. I was giving this houses builders the benefit of the doubt, thinking maybe the house had leaned north. Of course, should be able to see some sinking into the ground on the north side. Maybe I haven't really looked.

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