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30 April 2019 - Diet Diary - Tomorrow is May Day. Who remembers when kids all went out with baskets of candy and flowers to leave on people's doorstep on May Day evening? May Day started as a united workers movement back in the 1880s, fighting for 8 hour work days and safer conditions. It is now a "holiday" that gets very little attention in the US, although many other countries ran with it as a spring celebration. Makes me wonder if the gradual sublimation of May Day as a holiday here stems from the ongoing effort to suppress unions and anything that upholds worker rights. Hmm? Just a random thought for the day.

Dang, between the random thoughts and the eating/snacking binge I was on today, if it was 45 years ago I would swear it was the dope. 😏 Well, that was a while back. As for today, had a well over day, ending over 1500, at which point I hoped for the best that I didn't fail to record any major stuff. 😲 However, the getting to bed earlier thing went better last night so I'm off now to try to make it 2 in a row.

DotLewis 7 May 1
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I'm back up a couple pounds myself. coffee, no sugar, no creamer this AM....and I must lay off the chocolate today!


Was there any special reason for the snack binge? Something that could be avoided in future? You are getting really close to your goal - hang on in there! The old folk festival of Mayday is still celebrated in quite a few places in the UK, but presumably it was one of the traditions the Puritans didn't want to take with them to the US! When we get our socialist government we shall celebrate it as a workers' holiday too

CeliaVL Level 7 May 1, 2019

I am doing some stressing over the thing with my friends moving away from the area and slipping into my escapist mode, which I have not done since I retired. Although I have had some brief thoughts about it in the past 2 years, born of political angst, I have not really got "into it". Now, I find myself having an urge to pack it all in and take off to .... who knows where. Another country, although I fear Canada would be too cold for my tastes in my old age and Mexico would mean I would have to get serious about learning Spanish. On considering it, I might be OK with remaining in the states, if I moved to a liberal stronghold, far from Kansas. Of course, I have little expectation of acting on any of this but have long had a tendency to start thinking about running away when I get stressed. For years, while I worked, I dreamed of going to live in a lighthouse somewhere. A remote, far away lighthouse. (I guess all of them are far away from Kansas) That never happened either.
Meanwhile, I will have to find better ways of dealing with my unrest as eating will not resolve it and would likely only make it worse.

@DotLewis That resonates very strongly with me, since my biggest problem is that I am where I do 't want to be and can't get away. Also the only English speaking friends I have here are moving away very soon! I don't have your strength though and I have given up the attempt to lose weight until I can get away. Emotional stressors are very strong and I really admire the way you keep going and are close to your goal.

@CeliaVL I have long had issues with loss and abandonment, went through a lot of living situations as a kid. Married/divorced twice and found it better to remain independent than to do that again. I am pretty much an introvert yet spent 30 years working in children/family services so it was not unusual to just feel overwhelmed by having to deal with people so much of the time. Now that I'm retired, social contacts are limited but that is generally OK because I've had "enough" to be content. However, with these people moving away and knowing that the neighbor, who is gradually becoming more frail, is unlikely to be around many more years, I'm finding it a struggle, thinking about being "all alone".

Even my pup, who I spoil shamelessly, is almost 13 and has seizures. I worry regularly about losing her. There are times when I think the only reason to stick around is because I don't have my life/home "in order" and wouldn't want to leave someone else to deal with it. Then, I will think I would like to get one of those "tiny houses", put it behind the truck, pack up the animals and leave the whole thing behind and just disappear off into the wilderness. Have no idea what I REALLY think that would turn out like but the thought of it is sometimes, somehow comforting.
Damn, that kind of got out of control. I'm actually working on that bedtime thing so better stop. Less than 30 minutes I want to hit the bed. 🙂

@DotLewis Without going into detail that could have been me speaking , except that I am stuck in marriage number two and can't get out.A small island appeals more than the wilderness as I am a sea person!

@CeliaVL Oh, islands were on my list, too. Best ever, a lighthouse on an island. These days I am less anxious to find myself completely surrounded by steadily rising sea levels, thus the wilderness.

Since none of that is likely to happen, I will have to come to grips with the rather solitary reality of my life. Once I have muddled past the immediate sense of loss at my friends' pending move, I will, I'm sure, fall back into a relatively comfortable acceptance of my situation, although I may continue to dream of leaving this country and the ridiculous state it has sunk to in the last 3 years.

@DotLewis I quite like the idea if climate change - sea levels rising, wild weather, etc ., - from my own point of view, but as a grandparent and concerned citizen I have to go the environmentalist road. My ultimate plan is to have a little house in walking distance of the sea. I just hope it happens while I can still walk!

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Posted by MyMrsFifiAte my tiny meal...... Still hungry.... Waiting for snack time like this......

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

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Posted by DotLewisTrade wars?

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