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24 July 2019 - Diet Diary - Well, the body was being cooperative today, slid off that plateau and hit 138.8 today. Lowest point so far. Today, I ate fairly well, had that final serving of sauteed yard greens and when I quit at 8pm was comfortably under 1200 although I had intended to get to that point today. Then, around 11pm, I gave in to an urge to grab a "little snack" and within 10 minutes had boosted my calorie intake over 1400. There is a serious lesson to be learned about eating directly from the bag (carton, box, etc.) as a bit of trail mix can in no time become a LOT of trail mix. The saddest part about it is that I actually had 3 small containers with a weighed portion of trail mix in the cupboard but no, I grabbed the bag.

The good news is this transgression will not ruin anything for me. It may set me back a day or two but so be it. Tomorrow I will be back in control and if I grab the bag again, I will give myself a good slap! 😮 Now, I think I will head for bed earlier than usual and hope for a good day tomorrow.

DotLewis 7 July 25
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That's a good number to see. Congratulations! You know this is going to happen so it seems to me you are ready for it. Keeping your weight at this level is going to demand constant vigilance, but at least it gives you a long-term interest!

CeliaVL Level 7 July 25, 2019

Yeah, I'm resigned to the idea I will be "dieting" forever. I will have "off days" and cheat days and maybe even short breaks, like if I go visit someone for more than a day but will have to return to closely controlling my intake following those days. I do not have the metabolism to eat randomly, whatever I want.

My dad, for all of his younger years, had that kind of metabolism, he at whatever he wanted and whatever amount he wanted and remained lean. Of course he did a physical job so burned a lot of calories, I'm sure. Plus, I think it is likely he skipped eating when it wasn't convenient, like during work, something I never learned to do. I was never one of those people who would say, "I forgot to eat".


Wow! Good job, Dot!

I suffered a setback...I made a chili that was "too delicious" and gave in to temptation...and finished the rather large remaining/leftovers. Oh...well...

Robecology Level 9 July 25, 2019

I understand the "temptation" problem. Now and then (more often than I like to admit) I fix (or buy) something that is so good that temptation to eat more than a "serving" of it. Sometimes that temptation is just too much to subdue. Serving sizes are sometimes just too small, IMO. 😉 That recent pot of Tuscan kale soup I made was like that. I ended up eating a serving and a half 3 times, it was just too good to stop at one serving. I was doing well to have stopped it at another half.
It is not helpful that when you get as close to your goal as you are, the amount of calories needed to gain used to result in a loss. Tomorrow will be better!

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Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

Posted by DotLewisWell, that's annoying! Twice I "shared" this post from Gardeners group to here and neither time did it appear.

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